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Daphne Sykes English 1103 Ms. Caruso 10 October 2012 Reality shows and how they affect the World Reality shows have a way of capturing people. A person might watch the show and follow a blog that has been set up so that person can say what they think should happen, in which the show can then be faked. Another person might be in a show such as Survivor, in which that person has many ways of being affected. Also a person could live near where the show is taken place and they may get something out of that show. When a person is watching a show on TV that person might try to communicate what they think needs to happen through a blog or a comment on a video. Anyone can see these comments and that includes the producers. Based off of what the producers read on these comments they can fake what happens in the next show or even who becomes the bad person. For instance a producer reading a comment that most fans agree with about wanting Bob to get in a fight or to leave the show. The producer can then make it happen by saying something to Bob and hope he gets mad or can simply change votes without viewers knowledge. Many things can be faked without the viewers knowing. (Seanbaby p.2) Most of the time reality shows are actual people just living their lives on camera. The producers can put something into the show and edit the clips they have to fit what they think the audience wants to see. The clips being edited can simply be the producers do not want a long paragraph explaining why that person is on the show so they take what is important to the answer and use that as the persons answer. Doing this can also affect how people see the person. For

Comment [S1]: Reviewed by Sara Eckford.

Comment [S2]: How are they affected? Comment [S3]: What do you mean?

Comment [S4]: Kindof a repeat. Comment [S5]: No and maybe?

Comment [S6]: No idea what you are talking about when you mention Bob

Comment [S7]: What its supposed to be anyway, some shows the people are actually just living and not faking. Maybe word differently.

Comment [S8]: Revise Comment [S9]: Doing this


instance, a person that the audience would think is a nice person can seem like the opposite just by taking out things that the person has said (Seanbaby p.2). But reality shows do not affect just the audience they can affect the people in it as well. Millions of people watch Survivor, but do they really know what the contestants go through? The contestants have to go through eating something like a steak to having to eat something like bug larvae. With this change of food and the tough physical challenges contestants can easily lose weight (Adalto par 1). For some the contestants kept the weight off and others had to gain some weight back. One contestants could not eat anything with fat due to their stomach when they got back home (Adalto par 2). Just from watching the show a person can watch someone go from being cheerful to having a huge breakdown because they have nobody from their family to talk to. But Survivor is not the only reality show. With other reality shows such as Honey Boo Boo or Trading Spouses the people on the show get paid. In Trading Spouses, the normal is to swap to wives and each lady must choose how the other will use the money that is given. But in Honey Boo Boo, the family just gets paid like it is a job and a pay check. Then they use the money either as directed or as they want to. When using the money how they were told the families normally grow closer together and have less problems than before the show. There is still one more group of people that are affected by reality shows. Locals are another group of people that are affected by reality shows. With Survivor locals in Guatemala were able to work and get paid to get the location the contestants would be at ready for them and cooking for the crew of Survivor. But with other locals they had to stop going into the jungle to get supplies that their city needed while the show was going on and therefore certain materials such as wood from trees became scarce. On the plus side they all got
Comment [S15]: Revise Comment [S14]: Not really a transition statement Comment [S12]: Elaborate maybe, what money, comes from where? Comment [S13]: Combine maybe? Comment [S11]: No but Comment [S10]: Without the but it would make a good transition sentence


to see how strange television shows in the United States are. People playing games and trying to survive with nothing all for one million dollars (Mackenzie p.47-50).

Sykes4 "5 Secrets of Making Reality TV They Don't Want You to Know." Ed. Seanbaby. N.p., 14 Jan. 2012. Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>. Adalto, Allison, Darla Atlas, Victoria Brett, Rennie Dyball, Allison Gee, Deborah Geering, Leslie Goldman, Katie Guierrez, Monique Jessen, Melanie D.G. Kaplan, Anne Long, Dana Meltzer, Monica Rizzo, Vicki Sheff-Cahan, Ericka Suter, Jenny Sundel, Pamela Warrick, Ashley Williams, Marisa Wong, Michelle York. The Survivor Diet People 65.1(2006):93 Web.17.Sept.2012
Comment [S16]: Hanging Indent:

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