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UNLOCK TASMANIA CALLES FOR IMPACT STATEMENT GAINS BEFORE UPPER HOUSE VOTE. Tasmanias upper house should reject a plan to tie up 52% of Tasmania, as proposed by the IGA, according to Unlock Tasmania spokeswoman Joan Rylah, unless they have in their hands a comprehensive economic impact statement which shows major net financial gains for the Tasmanian economy. Due process will not be met without the Legislative Councillors knowing the full and long-term economic impacts of locking up a further 8% of the state. The current due process of the state government is for the full economic impacts to be detailed before any legislation is passed, Joan Rylah said. `Even though the dud IGA negotiation was a lose-lose for the forestry industry, for jobs and for the Tasmanian people, we believe it is essential to allow the agreement to be thoroughly tested by the Legislative Council. The Opposition could not stop this legislation passing the lower house by the force of numbers from the Labor/Greens so this means that a very heavy responsibility is on the Legislative Council to decide whether locking away another 8% of the state is in the states best interest. `The long-term effects on the existing forestry industry of the IGA are catastrophic and let there be no mistake about that, Joan Rylah said, `but this agreement does two things: It secures supply for the last remaining timber manufacturers so we keep some jobs and a semi-functioning industry. And it forces the greens to be accountable for a short time. `These are both important for getting the least damage done until an election where all the people of Tasmania will make it clear what they want. Our members feel that the IGA cease-fire is just a lull before the `anti-everythings mount their next blitzkrieg on the Tasmanian people and on Tasmanian jobs. We know that the anti-everythings want all of Tasmania locked-up as their leader stated on television last week and we say enough is enough. END 30/11/2012 Contact: Joan Rylah, Unlock Tasmania: 0417 476 926

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