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What This Module Is About

This module is about learning activities or experiences which a literacy volunteer like you may use your program. This also includes the different materials, which will help you find out if your learners benefited from your class. This module is divided into two lessons: Lesson 3.1:Literacy Experiences for Learners Lesson 3.2:A Sample Literacy Curriculum

Objectives of this Module


going through this module, you are expected to be able to assume the role of an effective literacy volunteer for a Specific group of literacy learners. Specifically, you should be able to: 1.have an idea on what lessons to take up in a literacy class; 2.prepare sample lessons for a particular type of literacy learners.


is a literacy volunteer. She handles a class of Preschoolers in a Day Care Center in Barangay Papaya. Ana is a second year college student. She is excited in her work. She loves working with children. She loves to make children learn to read and write. job is a challenge to her. But she remains confident she can do it. A literacy manual guides her.


So that Ana can do her job well, she must know what to teach the children.


to teach her learners means that she should know her learners-their characteristics. Ana tries to learn more about preschoolers. She learn for example, that they have short attention span. They love short lively activities. They enjoy games. They love to sing, too.


is doing well in her preparations. But she needs to learn more. other times, Anas literacy class may be made up of school drop outs. At another time, her learners will be adults like unemployed mother who cannot read nor write. She should know what will be in the curriculum for her learners, whoever these learners are.



you were Ana, would you also do the same thing in order to conduct an effective literacy class? you agree that a literacy curriculum Guide will help her? you do, then this is the right module for you!



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