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1.Which activity is essential for allothers to take place? a.excretio n b.


.movemen t d.respirati o n 2.Which of the following lists showsthree activities of all living

organisms? a.Movement, decay, synthesis b.Respiration , nutrition, preservationc. Exercise,

irritability, metabolismd. Reproduction , excretion, growth3.The bush pig which has been

observedto feed on a diet of plant roots as wellas birds eggs, isa . A herbivore b.A

carnivore c.An omnivore d.A detritivor e 4.Which of the following is

N O T indicated by the direction of arrows ina food chaina.The direction of energy flow

b.The amount of food each animaleatsc.T hat plants start every food chaind.The

animals that are predators5.In multic el lu lar organ is ms , cells become different from one another

inorder to carry out particular functions.This is calleda . A d a p tation b.Selection

c.Specializat iond . E v o l u t i o n 6.Which of the following cell structuresare associated with energy

transfer? IChloropla s t IImitocho ndrionIIInu c l e u s IVcell membranea .I and II only b.I and

III onlyc.II and III onlyd.II and IV o n l y 7.Which of the following processes

isresponsible for the movement of water out of a plant cell? a.Filtration b.Dehydrati onc . O s m o s i

s d.Capillarit y 8.How does oxygen pass out through thestomata of leaves? a.Diffusion b.Evaporati

onc . O s m o s i s d.Transpir ation9.The oxygen released during the process of photosynthesis

comes fromthea . C a r bon dioxide b.Water c.Degraded glucose moleculesd.A ir spaces

within the leaves10.A mature plant cell is different from amature animal cell because it

hasa.A large permanent vacuole b.Mitochond r i a c.A nucleus in the cytoplasmd .

A cell membrane3

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