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Brianna Collins Ingram English 1102 September 27, 2012

We know food affects us physically and gives us nutrition, but how does it affect us mentally and can it affect our mood?
Fisher, Maryanne Fisher, PhD. The Relationship Between Sex and Food: There is a close relationship between love, sex and food." Loves Evolver. 9 February 2011. Psychology Today. Online. Web. 26 September 2012. This article tells of the relationship between food and sex drive. It shares with us some of the foods that increase endorphins in the brain. The article tells us how certain foods can trigger this drive or stimulation by means of eating it, looking at it, smelling it, or even feeding it to your partner. This writing educates us on what food to eat and what not to eat when trying to arouse your significant other. This article was informative because it provided detailed information on what chemicals in the brain were being released and how they correlated with specific foods, and how these chemicals related to ones sex drive or mood.

Geary, Amanda. Mind guide to food and mood. 2010. Mind. Online. Web. 16 October 2012 This particular article goes on to explain why food effects mood. The author includes other points of views on the subject of whether or not food effects ones mood. The author of this article is a strong believer that what one consumes effects their mood drastically. She goes on to explain the chemical process that takes place when eating and how they correlate with the mood. She explains how just the way the food reacts with the body can affect the mood. This article is very useful because it is in the

point of view of someone who believes in using ones diet to treat mood disorders. The author includes a lot of great arguments as to why food effectively effects your mood.

Goodfriend, Gillian. Food and Your mood: Nutrition and Mental Health. NCPAD. Online. Web. 16 October 2012 You are what you eat is the basics of this article. The author explains how the contents of ones diet is the direct indicator as to the amount of energy one will have. Super-Size Me the documentary on McDonalds food was mentioned in an argument that unhealthy foods lead to an unhealthy person. She explains how the man in the documentary was ill, depressed, and lacking energy after eating nothing but McDonalds. This article also discusses a lot on vitamins and how to eat healthy. It is helpful because I can use the information given to argue my point that food effects your mood and that changing your diet you can become healthier.

Marguglio, Donna. Does Food Affect our Mood?. 2 April , 2012. HealthKicker. Web. September 27, 2012 This writing was more personal to the author and shared personal experiences and events from the writer. She shares her eye opening experience on how the foods we eat affect our health mentally and emotionally. She also includes her usage of meditation and yoga that helped her reach her realization of better health habits. She found what worked for her by writing down everything she consumed and she soon realized where her faults were in her diet. This article is very helpful. By using the authors advice and information form personal experiences I can see other means of how food can affect mood and other routes of looking for information on the topic.

Nisbet, C. Matthew. Your Emotions Are What You Eat: How Your Diet Can Reduce Anxiety. 27 August 2011. Age of Engagement. Web. 27 September2012. This article provides a more scientific breakdown of what components the brain uses from the foods we eat. It explains how eating certain foods and eating certain amounts can affect our moods and performance throughout the day. Within the article the author explains what emotions are, what stress is, food consumption, and how all of these things interact with each other and how they can affect each other. This article was very useful and informative as to what is actually going on in the composition of nutrients and how the brain is affected and how food consumption can affect our mood.

Serani, Deborah, Psy.D. Comfort Foods Improve moods. Two Takes on Depression. 7 April 2011. Psychology Today. online. Web. 16 October 2012 This article discusses the topic of comfort foods. And how certain foods put people in a good mood simply bring them to good memories. The author goes on to explain that food interacts with the body chemically so it can play a direct role in ones mood. Take account to the food one consumes and how they make you feel. The author explains how healthy foods and vitamin rich meals leave the body full of energy and puts individuals in a great mood. This article is perfect because it gives other examples of how food affects the body. Its explains what foods to eat and what foods not eat. This gives me more information on what foods effect mood positively and negatively.

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