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Brianna Collins English 1102 Ingram October 31, 2012

Research Paper D1: Some Brazil Nuts Each Day Might Keep the Psychiatrist at Bay. According to the National Institutes of Health, 20.9 million Americans suffer from mood disorders and 14.8 million experience depression. Headaches, fatigue, mood swings and feelings of fatigue and depression: the logical solutions to these problems would be to go to the doctor. But what if all of these things that were being brought upon ones health were because of the foods that they are eating? Although medications have been developed to alter peoples moods and aid those with depression, there have been studies that show one's diet and the foods they consume can also affect people's moods. Being aware of what foods you eat and how they affect your body can be a healthy alternative to the consumption of manmade medications. Trudy Scott, a nutritionist and spokesperson for the National Association of Nutrition Professionals explains, "I've seen people make dramatic improvements in depression and anxiety within a week of making some simple dietary changes. Donna Marguglio a Health Kicker blogger describes to the world her issues with eating disorders, addictions, along with a plethora of mood swings. She serves as a living example to Ms. Trudy Scotts observations. She begins to describe her struggles over the years and her many attempts to discover a solution. She explained how she would work out every day in an attempt to sweat out these unwanted symptoms and feelings.

This resulted in an appearance of upmost health but internal feelings of depression. It was when Donna began the practice of yoga that she paid more attention to her health. She began to read more books, watch more shows, and do research on healthier ways of living. What she discovered was it was the type of foods that she was consuming that resulted in her years of suffering. She began to keep a journal of the foods she ate and log her amount of energy throughout the day. She quickly discovered what types of foods affected her negatively and positively (Marguglio). Like Ms. Margulio we all need to take account to the foods we put into our bodies. One might think so what if I am in a bad mood every now and a then, everyone goes through it. But ones mood is a bit more complex than a good or bad day or smile and a frown. According to nutritionist-author Nora Gedgaudas emotions are depicters or products of ones health. "Emotions are biochemical storms in the body and brain," she says, "The healthier your biochemistry, of course, the better the emotional and also the cognitive forecast" (Nisbet). According to an article from ABC news You Feel What You Eat The most effective way to stabilize mood is to eat a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, and limit sugar, fat, and alcohol. Coupled with exercise, this regime will keep levels of endorphins, the brain's feel-good chemicals, steady (CHITALE). When it comes to ones health, know when to get help. There are types of depression that are indeed a result of bad nutrition and poor lifestyles, which can be treated with a change in diet and physical activity. Then there is the type of depression that results from a traumatic experience. Ms. Gedgaudas stresses that "Good nutrition would not immunize anyone against the impact of, say, a sexual assault," she says.

"Chronically elevated cortisol from intense surrounding stress can dysregulate or even unravel a person all on its own. (...) What quality nutrition does is help minimize adverse variables and maximizes resiliency." "Food really does have a lot of power," said Bonnie Taub-Dix, a registered dietician and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. "Use it properly and have a well-balanced diet and you really can improve your mood." Lets take into account how powerful food can be on our feelings. Can you imagine the sweet aroma of a freshly baked Cinnabon. How enticing the ribbons of cinnamon sent are. How with just the smell alone one can imagine the image of a large cinnamon roll sitting before them and the ever pleasant feeling of the warm soft dough melting in ones mouth. Even the almost promised licking off the cream cheese icing from ones fingers can come to visual. Now lets take it to the next step. Say one actually is eating the Cinnabon all the aromas and sweet tastes are bursting in ones mouth. All of this brings an ever satisfying smile to ones face. And with that the thought of childhood comes to mind. The visual of daddy and how he used to surprise you and your siblings with the delectable treat on occasional Sundays. Wonderfully happy memories of childhood and family rush your imagination leaving you with a continuous smile and a daylong good mood. I am sure everyone has an experience similar to this one, be it a sucker that brings back memories of doctor visits with mommy or the smell of fresh baked ham that brings up the emotions of the celebration of Thanksgiving. These are examples of comfort foods. Comfort foods are foods associated with good thoughts and warm feelings that reconnect people with meaningful associations to others.(Serani)

Along with comfort foods there are others that increase endorphins in the brain that can affect ones mood. For example, carbs are a feel good food and they increase a brain chemical called tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin, a calming "feel good" neurotransmitter (Juli). Foods affect our brains directly. Psychologist Susan Serani explains how the chemical structure of what one eats communicates with the body, which can affect cognition, influence mood and the bodys physical status. She influences her own patients to consume foods that vary in vitamins and minerals and contain omega-3, which aid in the brains operation. A good way to obtain omega-3, which is a good mood builder, is to eat fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines. The body uses omega-3 fatty acids for building neurotransmitters like serotonin in the brain, and some studies have shown that eating plenty of these fats has depressionpreventing qualities (Chitale). If one refuses to consume fish products there is an alternative to this brain friendly supplement. You can also find this oil in flaxseed, sunflower, and walnut. Lets take a look at other foods that are mood aids: Milk does the body good an oh so true statement. Milk is rich in calcium and the amino acid tryptophan. Beyond its bone-building properties, calcium is known to calm nerves when feeling stressed or anxious. Which may explain the warm cups of milk before bedtime or after a bad dream as a child. Tryptophan is important for producing serotonin, which elevates mood (Chitale). For those who cannot consume milk products almonds are also very high in calcium and Tryptophan which boost mood and energy level.

Believe it or not, despite its sweet sugary content, chocolate is high on the totem poll for good mood foods. It is proven that chocolate and sex release the same feel good chemicals in the brain. Dark chocolate is high in polyphenols, which are shown to improve cognitive function. Chocolate also contains phenylethylamines, a neurotransmitter that, in low levels, is associated with depression and in high levels can be associated with schizophrenia. Phenylethylamines work by releasing endorphins in the brain and promote feelings of attraction and giddiness (Chitale). If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, some brazil nuts each day might keep the psychiatrist at bay. Brazil Nuts are native to South America, they are also rich in selenium. Selenium is essential for maintaining a good mood and getting enough selenium may prevent depression. These rich nuts are also a good source of B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc, which can help calm stressed nerves and keep you alert (Chitale). Whey, a byproduct of cheese, has a high concentration of tryptophan, that essential amino acid that gets converted to serotonin in the brain and lifts your mood. Spinach is a rich source of several minerals that are good for anxiety and depression; such as magnesium, a mineral with relaxing and calming effects (Chitale). The list of mood aiding foods is endless. If one is having issues with energy levels or bad moods there is a natural simple solution. By taking account to what one puts into their body substantial changes in ones energy level and mood throughout the day can occur. It may not be as simple as popping a pill everyday but it is indeed more beneficial to ones health. So by making a few changes in their diet ones whole life can change.

Work Cited:

Chitale, Radha. You Feel What You Eat. 5 March 2008. ABC News Medical Unit. Web. 06 November 2012 Juli. Friday Fun: Food and Mood. 22 July 2011. Psych Your Mind: applying psychology to everyday life. Online. Blog. 16 October 2012 Marguglio, Donna. Does Food Affect our Mood?.April 2, 2012. HealthKicker. Web. September 27, 2012 Nisbet, C. Matthew. Your Emotions Are What You Eat: How Your Diet Can Reduce Anxiety. August 27, 2011. Age of Engagement. Web. September 27, 2012 Serani, Deborah, Psy.D. Comfort Foods Improve moods. Two Takes on Depression. 7 April 2011. Psychology Today online. Web. 16 October 2012

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