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Task 4- PLANNING My initial synopsis

Crime thriller Amelia Smith is a freelance artist from East London who can draw or paint the future. The story starts off with Amelia Smith in her house painting on a piece of canvas the background of a dark tunnel and a bunch of street boys underneath beating up a another boy and one of the street boys is holding out a knife. Once Amelia finishes with the painting, she stares at it worried about the boy who is about to get stabbed any minute. Even though Amelia couldnt recognise any of the boys especially since all the street boys have their backs to the painting, Amelia goes outside to go to the dark tunnel area she recognises to stop the murder from happening. Amelia walks underneath the dark tunnel but doesnt see any of the boys, puzzled by this, she waits until they come, she then starts thinking that she must be have gone to the wrong tunnel but then a bunch of street boys walk by and Amelia quickly hides behind the bushes next to the dark tunnel at the other side, listening carefully to their conversation. One of the street boys swear at the boy and push him to the ground, Amelia peeks and her view of them is completely identical as the one in the painting. Amelia screams out No! and the street boys hear and look at her. They leave the boy alone and run after her. She runs as they chase her down the whole street. She then finds a nearby bin and goes in despite all the garbage and awful smell. She hears the street boys wondering where she went and the street boys walk away from the bin to her relief. She then decides to call the police as she steps out of the bin, the line breaks off and the police dont respond. Amelia then goes to the local library where she meets the boy again (who was going to get stabbed) They stare at each other for a moment and then he says thank you to her for saving his life, she then tells him to report it to the police to which she tells him that she tried to herself but the line cut off and he says he cant call the police anyway because theyll find a way to escape because there are more of them and then theyll be after him. Amelia questions him on how they can escape a prison but the librarian then interrupts their conversation telling them to be a bit quieter, both Amelia and the boy apologise. Amelia asks for his name and he replies Jake and then asks her the same question to which she replies. Amelia then gets a painful headache and gets out a pen from her pocket and whispers desperately at Jake to get her a piece of paper. Jake hurriedly gets her a piece of paper and she then runs upstairs of the library and draws a picture on the piece of paper. She draws a gun being pointed towards the actual picture and a mans face holding it to a background that she shades in as completely black. Both her and Jake look at the picture and Jake asks Amelia how he knows about the boss of the gang and Amelia says she doesnt and tells him about her secret of foreseeing the future through her artwork and then Jake figures out why she was able to save him. Jake tells her his mother is forced to rob banks and be a thug by the boss of the gang who sent his gang to shoot her when she refused once, and then Jake tells Amelia that he sent his mother to hide in a warehouse so she cant get killed. Amelia tells him that his mother will be forced to kill her because whatever image she creates is from her point of view and the gun was towards her. Jake tells her it wont happen because theyll stop it from happening. Amelia and Jake then see gas around them and they both fall into a deep sleep and the last thing Amelia sees is the gang who were all right behind them and the boss smiling evilly at them both.
Thriller conventionurban settings Todorovs theoryproblem to solve


Todorovs theoryproblem solved.


Thriller convention - the use of weapons

Red herring

Sherianna Rouf

Amelia and Jake wake up to a dark room and the whole gang are staring at them. The boss of the gang asks for Amelias name and she doesnt reply, she just glares at him, he asks again with a gun in his hand and Amelia replies hesitantly her name. She then asks him what hes going to do to her and Jake and he says that Jake better tell where his mother is or he will shoot Amelias head. Amelia then tells Jake not to tell him where his father is but Jake lies to the boss saying his father is in his house. One of the street boys shout at him calling him a liar and then that street boy opens the door of the other room and throws his mother in front of them who is tied up. He then says he found her in the warehouse. Amelia quietly tries to loosen the bundle of ropes tying her hands together as the boss of the gang talks to Jakes mother to kill her and his mother points a gun at her face just like how her drawing looked like. Amelia manages to loosen the ropes but pretends to still be tied up by them so the gang doesnt notice. Jakes mother is whimpering with fear. Solution to overall problem The electricity then turns off, leaving the room completely pitch black and Amelia manages to escape the room as well as Jake who gets helped being untied by her mother. All three escape except both Jake and his mother get shot mid way through the chase and Amelia stops for a minute, screaming Jakes name. Amelia was already a lot ahead of them and the next scene is a jump cut of her distraught as the bodies go into an ambulance and the whole gang is arrested. The final scene is of the funerals for both Jake and his mother to which both a very pale and guilty Amelia attends. Red herring

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