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Workshops phase 2

Clinic: Emotion-driven Design (19th of November) The clinic Emotion-driven Design wasnt what I expected it should be. In the description on blackboard was mentioned that we would discuss the most important stakeholders and do a brainstorm about that. That was not the purpose according to the tutors, they wanted to answer questions, so we discussed some projects (group of 8 students and we only had 15 minutes). After I heart that they only wanted to answer questions, I thought it wouldnt be very useful. But after all I learned some things about changing habits, with doing the laundry as example. The driving behaviour should be clear (clean sweater) and the conflict should be solved (change habit by using less water). The abstract problem should be changed in a concrete problem. Making: care about others, themselves / relevant cheaper, not to save the world, it should be tangible. In my case this should lead to something that has to do with friends and family. They should learn together without just explaining. This workshop showed me how I should interpret the situation and what I should change. The parents already used the concrete examples by mentioning something about money or showing the steps of the thermometer, if they had to explain a sustainable subject.

Workshop IP (22th of November) In the workshop of interaction with products the intention was to test your models with a group of four students. I was the last one to show my concepts and I already knew that my concepts were not relevant to discus or to test after listening to the other students. This was also the feedback given by some studio-members. The workshop gave me insight in what the intention was of this workshop, so I integrated both ideas in one idea that I could test the Saturday afterwards. It was nice to see other people work on their ideas and to give feedback, they were also struggling with the concepts and how to solve their problems. So although I couldnt show and test what I wanted, I learned a lot, could help others and improve my concepts afterwards!

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