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By Ana Dwi Rohmawati


Kompetensi Dasar : Menjelaskan Konsep Geografi Menjelaskan Pendekatan Geografi Menjelaskan Prinsip Geografi Mendeskripsikan Aspek Geografi

Geografi selama ini dikenal sebagai ilmu bumi. Pada kenyataannya geografi tidak hanya mempelajari tentang bumi namun juga makhluk hidup beserta gejala yang menyertainya dan interaksinya pada lingkungan. Jadi sebenarnya.. What is Geography?

Geography was first proposed by Erasthotenes (276 196 BC) in his book titled Geografika In the beginning geography meant earths surface that had limited area. Involved soil, weather, sea, flora, fauna and human.

View of the universe

Norms of religion were still strong in scientific analysis that always considers the earth as the source of all life in the universe called geocentric but Copernicus came up with a new view that the earth is only a fraction of the solar system with the sun as the center called heliosentris The modern view the solar system move around galaxy that called galaktosentris

According to Fisis determenis view, living organisms are influenced by natural law. In posibilis's view, humans besides influenced by nature, also contributed to the of nature in according with the development of their culture

Mention several opinion from some experts and mention what the material they review

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