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Monologue: November 12th, 2037 My name is Eve. Just Eve.

I dont have a surname, illegal children dont have surnames, and thats what I am, an illegal child. I was found by the snatchers when I was seven, they found me in an abandoned building with my parents nowhere to be found. How could they leave me? I was carted off to Felicity Ferns Home for the Illegal. And here Ive stayed, for over a decade. Here we are taught to be useful, to make up for being born in the first place, we are taught to cook and clean and work in the fields and in the Legals big houses. The reason why were illegal is because our parents broke the law. They signed the contract for the Infinity Drug in return for never having children, but they broke it. No one dies anymore, there are no illnesses and no aging, only the illegals grow old and die.

Felicity F: Eve! Come here this instant! [Eve looks up and snaps the book shut. She hides it under her bed, tucking it in the corner.] Eve: Coming! [jumps up as the door opens] Felicity: Eve what are you doing? Eve: Spiders maam. Felicity: Spiders? Eve: Yes, I saw one run under the curtain. Felicity: I hope your not lying to me. Anyway, stop dilly dallying and get on with your work girl! Eve: Yes maam, sorry maam. [exits] [felicity walks over to the curtain in the room and picks up the hem. Theres nothing there. She narrows her eyes, dropping the curtain and walking out] Eve walks down the corridor and picks the apron up off a numbered peg. She ties it around her and continues. She picks up the post {title on envelope} and sifts it into pigeon holes {title on label}. Throws open curtains {title on floor} interlude of someone picking up bag {title under bag} She picks up a rag and dusts a painting {title on nametag} interlude of Adam running. Eve walking down corridor into the store cupboard {title on tag} She begins stocking the shelves {title on label} feet on leaves. Hanging up washing {title on shirt} Folds dry washing into basket {title on the top}. She walks past a line of girls sewing, they nod as a greeting {title in sewing box} glance of face looking behind Hands the washing basket to another girl who is ironing {title on iron/steam} Walks through the kitchens, picking up boxes full of food and taking them outside to where a car is waiting for them. She hands the man a list through the window and the car drives away. Jumping over fallen tree. Back inside, Eve walks into room where loads of children in grey t-shirts are sitting writing or fixing clothes in silence {INFINITY}

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