CMCL334NewMedia Flyer

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CMCl-C334 New Media

IU East: Spring 2013

Mondays 12:30-3:05pm

Course content

- how the development of information technologies is imbedded in cultural processes. - how the introduction of media technologies shape and are shaped by many aspects of social life. - how identity and relations are created and maintained in mediated contexts, - how new media support digital and other divides - how nonverbal and verbal communication in heighten interpersonal relations and/or promote hostility - how relative anonymity supports /disrupts a belief in one's (in)visibility online.

Questions we consider


* What are new media? Why

new? Where are old media then?

* What do we lose and gain with new media?

* How do new media create patterns of inequality?

* Who is the person emailing me? And is it a person? Is he or she honest?

Get unplugged! = experiment with quitting 3 types of media for 38 hours Mediated experience = study a mediated relationship New media dictionary = develop a wiki dictionary for the terms related to new media.

* How do new media modify our relations?

* Do we lose nonverbals?

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