Deltas Geography 2

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By Antoinette

What are deltas? Where do you find them? Model of a delta Table on Deltas What fauna does a delta create? What danger is there for Deltas? Questions?

What are deltas, where do you find them?

WHAT IS IT?A delta is a huge surface of sand and soil that is formed at the mouth of a river that is completely flat, and has no more energy to carry everything it has eroded at the upper and middle course. It is a great habitat for animals, though it is in a great danger WHERE DO YOU FIND IT? There is a delta in the Mississippi, the Amazonian River, the Rhone and the Nile, many other flat places.

Where? How steep? What type of erosion? Mountain Very Negative Erosion: matter is taken away River Bed A bit Transportation/tr ansformation: matter is rolled by the river and transformed into sand. Clean/flat water Neutural: soil constantly changed by the river but fertile Delta Flat Positive Erosion: Deposition

What water? What soil?

Spring water Very poor: nutriments (matter) is taken away, soil not fertile

Clean/flat water AND sea water Very rich: deposition makes soil extremely fertile.

What fauna does a delta create?

Deltas have amazing faunas. The soil is extremely fertile, so Plants grow easily, so a great number Of animals come. There are mainly birds That stop during their migration, but You can still easily find a lot of different species. There is also something unique about Deltas, they have a salt water part and A pure water part. this means that almost Any animal could live there. Deltas are also one of the rare places to Have wild horses, and wild cows.

What danger is there for the deltas?

There is a huge threat for deltas: Global warming. As the earth warms up, the ice on earth melts, making the sea level rise. If we dont do anything soon, the sea level will rise so much that it will cover all the deltas, which will kill a lot of animals and will endanger some species (including our own, since deltas supply an amazing quantity of cereal) or even make others disappear.

Sea rise because of global warming at the Nile Delta

Model of delta


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