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The Peoples Democratic Republic of Mas PDRM Parliamentary Resolution 03

MOTION: The House must become secular by separating religion from State. Aware of discrimination of race and belief is on a rise worldwide, Keeping in mind many of PDRM inhabitants and citizens have a diverse background in which any state of alteration in belief may lead to chaos, Reminding everyone that the nation-state of the PDRM is a melting pot of many cultures and our heritage is to show respect to one another, The Order of the Parliament, 1. The Parliament is to be dissolved and general elections will begin January 23rd with 300 open seats, on the basis that all nominees are well educated and background checks by the intelligence agency is commenced, 2. Exclude religious parties from the government and general elections; however, allow religious people to run only if they are qualified and have passed the background checks, 3. Create a Bill stating: a. All inhabitants of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Mas have the right to freedom of expression under the circumstances that: i. Actions arent against the government, ii. It does not burden other citizens of the PDRM, iii. It doesnt cause harm both physically and/or psychologically to inhabitants inside and outside of the PDRM, b. Religious syndicates are allowed to be formed under the following circumstances: i. It is under government probation for 12 months, ii. Those joining must be 18 years or above, Page 1

PDRM/RES03/512 iii. The government will employ a NoC within to monitor any activities following the 12 months of probation and if suspicious activities action will be taken in a joint task to shut down the syndicate, 4. Remove religious information off of ones private documentation, 5. Develop the education sector by: a. Providing an international system consisting of the Canadian, British and Swiss systems integrated with one another, b. Having a representative from the Ministry of Education to make random visits to schools to check on the information and methods of teaching being given towards students, c. Establishing the IORPS, Inspection Organization for Religious Programs in Schools, 6. Appoint George Blake as the Head of the MIA [Mas Intelligence Agency] for one and a half years, 7. Decides for HRH Queen Elizabeth II to oversee the final parliamentary seats and actions of the state.

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