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Omar Vazquez Mrs.

Hampton American Literature Period 5 October 10, 2012

Nature & its Strong Influence In the poem Nature, by Emily Dickenson, nature is described as a mother, with motherly qualities. This helps point out the theme, the audiences emotion and the beliefs of the time period, which is romanticism. Throughout the poem there are examples of Line Break, Alliteration, and Personification which all convey a deep meaning of sincerity from Mother Nature. Whenever there is a Line Break within the text, it means, Stop what youre doing, and pay attention. This is very important Stanza 1, lines 3 & 4, states, Her admonition mild. What it means is that Nature doesnt need to use much force towards her children, which in this case means humans. To the audience, aka the children, this could show how calm Nature is no matter, how riley the children are, so children can always find compassion within in her, even in the harshest of times. This reflects the time period because back then Romantics believed, Childhood is the best of life, thus explaining why Ms. Dickenson described humans, as children because she still believes that there is hope within humans. Hope created by Nature. Alliteration doesnt have to be only aesthetic pleasure within a text, it can also signal to a huge deep meaning within the text. Stanza 3, line 11, Her household, her assembly, Household means Earth, as in planet Earth, and Assembly which means her process of accomplishing her tasks, such as taking care of us Children. This to the audience shows how much Mother Nature cares for her creations, and how they react in the environment of Earth. Showing Children the expansive free will they have from their Mother and showing that

Omar Vazquez Mrs. Hampton American Literature Period 5 October 10, 2012

Nature trusts us even though humans are compared to Rampant Squirrels or Impetuous birds. This heavily reflects the belief of Spending time in nature allows for overflow of emotion and how they are able to conform with nature easily. When Nature is given Personification, there is a lot of symbolism at the surface, but even more meaning deep within. For example in the last stanza, line 23 the narrator gives nature the ability to hush with a, Golden finger on her lip. She is hushing children as they fall asleep in peace within the starry night. To the children this can give so much relief, and get rid of so many burdens, knowing that Mother Nature is there to cure that boo-boo or that Ouchy. Plus, nothing is better, to have than the nurturing embrace from a Mother. This too can reflect on how Romantics believed that, Childhood is the best time of life because childrens burdens arent as troubling as an adults burden. Children do not have to worry about taxes, being mannerly, or be sophisticated in society, for they have their Mother is protecting over them like a guardian angel, and Nature is that Mother. Literary Devices were very helpful when discussing the meaning within this poem. They helped guide a single perspective into a more broad understanding of Natures sincerity. Realizing this children aka humans should cherish Mother Nature more because at any moment we can lose her. Thankfully, Mother Nature is strong, and able to keep nurturing Children, allowing them to breathe a sense of relief. Relief even though the Children may not deserve it, but Mother Nature is not judgmental.

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