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HandoutRaj:Layout 1 21/01/09 1:32 AM Page 1

m i l i t a r y Ve t e r a n s p r o t e s t !
When we joined Service, We . . . .
– Gave the best years of our life to the
service of the country
– always placed the nation’s interests
above those of our own
– remained ready to make even the
supreme sacrifice whenever our
duty so demanded
– Worked a 24x7 Work cycle ––
no sundays, no holidays
– Had no time to look after our families
– fulfilled all our responsibilities
the government must look after our
legitimate interests after we retire.
pension being a payment for services rendered,
two pensioners who rendered equal and
similar service, must get equal pension.
Why are old pensioners getting less pension?
We must Get

One Rank One Pension

O ur D emanD is fOr J ustice & e quity
IndIan Ex SErvIcEmEn movEmEnt
An All IndIA FederAtIon oF MIlItAry VeterAns’ orgAnIsAtIons
543, Sector 23, Gurgaon – 122 017, Haryana, INDIA
Tel: (0124) 246 1416, Fax: (0124) 411 0570. Email:

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