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Mary Dickinson Jensen

Objectives To present my experience in a comprehensive resume. Education Syracuse University, College of Arts and Sciences (2013) Senior B.A. International Relations major; Writing minor GPA: 3.6 Clark College (2011) 34.8 semester credits GPA: 3.8 Experience International Relations Club Secretary (2011- 2013) Syracuse University (303 University Place, Syracuse, NY 13210) Responsible for the budget Liaison for the Office of Student Activities Created minutes Curated all club documents General club management Administrative Coordinator for Residential Community Council (2012- 2013) Syracuse University (303 University Place, Syracuse, NY 13210) Must attend Residence Hall Association finance committee meetings Works with advisor to maintain budget Provides regular budget reports to the group Prepares weekly minutes Contributes to the RHA newsletter by reporting on hall happenings Attends all Community Council meetings Youth Exchange Student (2008 2009) Rotary International, Vancouver Sunrise Club (PO Box 1734, Vancouver, WA, 98668) Represented Rotary and the USA in Jhongli, Taiwan Learned the culture of my host family Learned conversational Mandarin Chinese Gave detail accounts of my year to my home Rotary club, Vancouver Sunrise, through monthly newsletters, online photo albums, and presentations upon returning to the US. Skills Conversational Mandarin Chinese; proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Prezi, Wikispace, Proquest, Garageband, iMovieHD; resourceful; and has an excellent work ethic.

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