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Lesson Plan Template Madeline Hunter Method

Group Members: Alyshia Wegleitner, Taryn Williams Subject Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 3 Unit Title: Multiplication Table Lesson Title: Multiples of 5 Objectives : Students will be able to recite multiples of 5 up to 5x5 Students will be taught how to log on to the online study site and be given proper safety instructions. Materials/Resources Needed: Pencil, lined paper, eraser, worksheet, computer with internet access and projector, class username and password. Anticipatory Set: As a class recite the multiples weve already learned, ( 1-4 multiples) Input: Recite the multiplication table, multiples up to 5x5 Teach students how to log into account on and to chose right multiplication flashcards. Username: OurClass Password: Student Set rules- No changing or making new study cards or study sets. Model: On a projection screen, take the students through each step. Check for Understanding: Have a short sit down stand up game where the students will sit in groups of 3 or 4 and be called upon to answer math questions. Guided Practice: Have students complete multiplication worksheets Closure: Recite all multiples learned so far - Multiples from 1x1 - 5x5. Remind students of homework and how to login to Independent Practice: Have the students login into Cramberry with pre-assigned username and password. Study the set of flashcards titled Multiplication - Multiples of 5 until the site tells you to stop.

Division 1 ICTs
F.2 - Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society.

Specific Outcomes 1.1 1.2 identify technologies used in everyday life describe particular technologies being used for specific purposes

F.3 - Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology.
Specific Outcomes 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 demonstrate courtesy and follow classroom procedures when making appropriate use of computer technologies work collaboratively to share limited resources demonstrate appropriate care of technology equipment recognize and acknowledge the ownership of electronic material use appropriate communication etiquette

F.5 - Students will practise the concepts of ergonomics and safety when using technology.
Specific Outcomes 1.1 1.2 demonstrate proper posture when using a computer demonstrate safe behaviours when using technology

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