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News Release

Media Contact: Sarah Austin March 5, 2012 For Immediate Release (828) 234-9765

GenEcon, Inc. Focuses on New Research in Hopes of Improving Standard of Health CHICAGO, March 5 GenEcon, Inc., is focusing its research in three main areas, and with continued research, those areas are expected to expand and make great strides in discovering the relationship between genes and diseases. If we focus all of our time and attention on a small amount of research, then we are more likely to find answers, and ultimately achieve our goal of improving the standard of health for everyone, said Glen E.E. Kowan, the chairman of the board and CEO of GenEcon. GEIs first area of research will be combining microchips and DNA to speed up the process of identifying genetic variations in tissues. Comparing diseased and healthy tissues can help in determining the cause of certain diseases. Knowing the cause of diseases could allow us to potentially prevent those diseases, said Kowan. GenEcon is also studying large family trees from genetically isolated communities to identify genes associated with complex disorders, such as heart disease and diabetes, in the hopes of discovering the cause of these common diseases. Finally, GEI is focusing on the cloning of animals exclusively, and not human cloning. The search of new knowledge is always worthwhile, and that search includes animal cloning, which could lead to new breakthroughs and fill voids in the genetic maps of both animals and humans alike, said Kowan. GEI is expected to continue their research and to expand significantly with their advancement of knowledge. Their efforts will not stop with the three main research goals, but will continue. We aim to answer questions and make discoveries that will lead to developments like patents and licenses, which could produce economic rewards, as well as a healthier, longer life for everyone. ###

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