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Name: __________________________________ Teachers Name: Mrs. Solka E-mail: Twitter: MrsSolka

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Course Name: E.L.A. Phone Number: 607. 221. 5472 Website: Facebook:

Course Objective Welcome to English Language Arts! During the course of this class, we will learn to use, interpret, and analyze language. To do this, we will focus on writing, grammar, and reading. Each of these components will work together to provide you with a comprehensive knowledge of the language. In addition to learning how to use and interpret language, we will hone writing skills in preparation for a post-secondary life.

Formal Assessments Unit Exams :Unit exams will be used to assess your mastery of a unit. Exams will be held the last Friday of each school month, unless otherwise discussed. If you are not present this day, you may make up your test after school or during a free period. Pop Quizzes : Pop quizzes will be given weekly to assess your understanding of the weeks lessons. These quizzes will be unannounced and cannot be made up. If you are absent on the day m of the quiz, you will be excused from the assessment. Classroom Expectations 1)Arrive to class on time and prepared 2)Communicate any problems, concerns, or questions 3)Raise your hand to speak 4)Be respectful of the teacher, your peers, and the classroom environment 5) Be responsible for yourself and your belongings

5/5 Rule The 5/5 Rule means that you may not leave the classroom the rst or last ve minutes of class. This rule ensures that you hear all important messages.

Plagiarism Policy - Coping and pasting answers from websites, forums, etc - Copying answers from friends

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For this class, plagiarism will is dened as using information which you did not develop without the appropriate citation. This includes, but is not limited to:

If you are using information which you did not create, you must include citation. For more information on how to properly cite sources, please see the website. If something is plagiarized, the following actions will be taken: 1.) First Oense: Student must re-do the assignment Assignment will have a 10% point deduction Parents will be notied 2.) Second Oense: Student must re-do the assignment Assignment will have a 20% point deduction Parents will be notied 3.) Third Oense: Automatic zero School administration will be notied for disciplinary action Late Assignment Policy Missing Work Slip: If you are unable to submit an assignment on time, you must submit a Missing Work Slip in the place of the assignment. This form can be found on the class website and on the Student Center bulletin board. Point Deductions: Points will be deducted for late submissions. For homework, 5% of the awarded points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late. For essays or projects, 10% of awarded points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late.

Grade Breakdown
Assignment Type Description

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Percentage of Grade

Class Participation

This score is comprised of completion of Bell Ringer questions, signed progress reports, and classroom behavior. This score is comprised of your performance on weekly homework assignments. This score is comprised of your performance on projects, both in and out of class. This score is comprised of your performance on pop quizzes and unit exams. This score is comprised of your weekly writing exercise Please view the essay rubric found on the website for further information. A = 90 - 100 B= 80 - 89 C= 70 - 79 D= 65 - 69 F= 0 - 64


Homework Projects Formal Assessments Weekly Writing

20% 25% 25% 20%

Weekly Progress Reports Twice a month, you will receive a progress report. This report must be signed by you and your parent, then returned. If your average is less than a 70%, we will work together to create an action plan which outlines how you will improve your performance in class.

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