Nov. 19 Readings

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Anja Zoric Professor Dunlap HMD 302 November 19 Readings What I really found interesting about the readings

for this week is that they say how important self-reflecting is in terms of analyzing certain aspects of our lives. The reason I find this interesting is because now that I look back at my life and try to define different accomplishments for example, I realize I am defining them by whether or not other people see them as accomplishments as well. I have never in fact had a major accomplishment in my life that other people did not know about. I wonder if we as humans are capable of considering something successful if we are the only ones that know about that success. What I find important about this is that it can be applied towards traumatic events as well, and help us towards overcoming events that we consider to be traumatic. The Blauner reading relates well to this idea and also made me remember the resiliency model. The author of this story mentioned how independence was something that he considered to be a form of self-resiliency because he would not have coped as well with problems had he not been able to rely on himself. As we grow older, we become more aware of the effects of positive attributes on our own sense of selves. Even though we need such individualistic emotions in order to have a more positive self-esteem, I realize that other peoples pride in us becomes intertwined with our own sense of pride no matter what age we are.

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