Final Reflection

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Whitney Lewis December 6, 2012 ENGL 1101 Mr.

Borrero Final Reflection When I first came into this class, I thought that it was going to be a class full of reading pointless books and a bunch of writing. As the class begun I was relieved from the reading but not so much of the writing. Well for me literacy has changed from being that you are only literate if you can read and write to societies expectations to everyone is a great writer in their own way. I felt that good writing was whatever my teacher felt was good writing. Now I feel that good writing is a good detailed paper with a thesis. I feel like the choices I have made during this coarse have not been the best and that they have somewhat held me back. They did not help me grow as a writer and as I realized that I became better. I feel like the lessons that impacted me the most was when we sat down and talked about who and what has influenced our writing throughout the years. It has showed me to appreciate the things and people around me because whether I realize it or not, they have an impact on me. I feel like I did better with the ethnography with the thesis and detail. I feel like I have gotten a little better at staying on topic and planning out what I am going to talk about. A major risk I took was putting how I felt about something into a conversation we would have in class. Some weaknesses I have seen in my writing is that I tend to ramble on or Im very repetitive. Some strengths I have is that I can put how I feel about something in my writing. I chose to revise me defense essay because I did a poor job on that with grammar and just repeating everything. I feel that this class has somewhat

changed my writing for the better but then sometimes it has just confused me about what writing should be.

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