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Rancangan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Harian

Minggu= 33 Hari:Rabu Tarikh: 10 SEPTEMBER 2008

Kelas Isi Kandungan Impak
Mata pelajaran
4 Sains Apik Topic: Volume Of Liquid PENGAWASAN PEPERIKSAAN UPSR
12.05tgh-1.05 ptg Objectives : . Relationship between units of volume of liquid DI AF078 SK(P) METHODIST
Matematik Content
Bil Murid:37 i. Convert units of volume, from
a) litres to mililitres,
b) mililitres to litres,
c) litres and mililitres to litres,
d) litres and mililitres to mililitres.
Learning outcome: At the end of the lesson the 30 of pupils able to
convert the unit of mass.
Teaching aids Specific courseware, powerpoint presentation, weighing
scales, flash cards, number cards, word cards, phrase cards, sentence cards
Value : Leadership
1. Comparing & Contrasting
2. Sequencing
3. Listing
4. Visualizing
a) Quiz and multi purpose table
b) explanation about the topic
c) demonstration to solve the question
d ) drill exercise
Info 3 S:Jangan sentuh suis ketika tangan basah.

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