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The Local Lord Offering.

(Place a small clean food offering in a pleasant bowl)

I go for refuge to the Triple Gem. I shall liberate all sentient beings and lead them to a state of Enlightenment. I shall develop purely a Bodhicitta Enlightened Motive. (3X) OM HRIH SHTRIH VIKRITANANA HUM PHAT OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM All becomes void. From a state of voidness, from a BHRUM appears a jewel vase, vast and deep. Inside of this a syllable OM transforms into a ritual cake, a great ocean of non samsaric wisdom nectar. OM AH HUM (3X) NAMAH SARVA TATHAGATA AVELOKITE OM SAMBHARA SAMBHARA HUM (3X) To the Tathagata of Boundless Wealth I bow down. To the Tathagata of Holy Form I bow down. To the Tathagata of Peacefulness I bow down. To the Tathagata Separated from Fear I bow down. "This non samsaric ritual cake possessing the five qualities of the senses I dedicate to the masses of local spirits, gods and karmic residers. Accept it without jealousy of my activities and befriend me by creating circumstances conducive to the accomplishment of Dharma." Having thus requested activities in this way recite "The strength of Truth and by the strength of my own concentration, the strength of the Tathagatas' blessings and the strength of the Dharmadhatu, may all needs and all thoughts that are in accordance with Dharma be fulfilled without let or hindrance." OM VAJRA SATTVA SAMAYA MANU PALAYA VAJRASATTVA TVENO PATISHTA, DRIDHO ME BHAVA,SUTOSHYO ME BHAVA, SUTOSHYO ME BHAVA, ANURACTO ME BHAVA, SARVA SIDDHI ME PRAYACCHA, SARVA KARMA SUCHA ME, CHITTAM SHRIYAM KURU HUM, HA HA HA HA HOH, BHAGAVAN SARVA TATHAGATA, VAJRA MA ME MUNCHA, VAJRA BHAVA, MAHA SAMAYA SATTVA AH HUM PHAT (3X) Whatever I have done incorrectly because of not finding the proper materials, or not fully knowing or lack of ability, please be patient with all of this.

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