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Fund raising You helped us to raise 280.21 for Breast Cancer UK on pink (super hero) day; 263.

85 for friendship benches on blue Friday and 243.20 in commission from the book fair. We also sent a cheque for 705.55 to DebRA - Fazeelss charity for epidermolysis bullosa - this week which was what you contributed from various fund raising activities last year. Thank you very much indeed! Hopefully your childs Marie Cure daffodil bulb is beginning to grow as we are looking forward to our flower show in March (and to raising lots of money for that charity).

Good news We have achieved the science quality mark (bronze level) in recognition of the schools excellent work in science. Miss Samuels and Mrs Coram - our science co-ordinators - led developments in this area so, really well done to them!

Christmas activities 6/12 - our choir are singing at Bensham Day Centre (at 1.15) W/B 10/12 - Christmas Raffle - tickets will be on sale for 1.00 a strip 11/12 - Father Christmas is visiting school today and hopefully he will let us take photographs of him with the children?! 13/12 - Christmas concert for morning nursery children at 11.00 a.m. 14/12 - Christmas concert for afternoon nursery children at 2.30 p.m. W/B 17/12 - Christmas activity week - teachers will let you know what they are planning this week and if you have any time to help please let them know. 18/12 - reception nativity play at 9.15 for CROCODILES and ZEBRAS 19/12 - reception nativity play at 9.15 for ELEPHANTS and MEERKATS 19/12 - Christmas lunch 19/12 - nursery, reception and Year 1 Christmas parties 20/12 - Year 2 Christmas party 20/12 - last day of term

We return to school on MONDAY 7th JANUARY 2013 at the usual time. Have a lovely holiday.

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