Colreg Part A Information Data Sheet With Self Assessment

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1A PART A General Application

INSTRUCTION: Select the letter of the best answer, and write it on a separate piece of paper then compare you answer to the key. 1. Under what circumstances may you depart from the Rules? a) b) c) d) When no other vessels are in sight. When no targets are observed in the radar. You are in immediate danger. You can under no circumstances depart from the Rule.

2. How do Rules classify a vessel a vessel engage in transferring cargo while underway? a) Vessel not under command b) Under special circumstances. c) Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. d) Vessel constrained by her draft 3. Under the International Regulation for Preventing Collision at Sea, how well you defined a vessel, which is unable to keep out of the way of another vessel? a) Vessel at anchor b) Fully loaded vessel. c) Vessel at full speed. d) Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. 4. What does it take for a vessel to be said as restricted in her ability to maneuver and therefore unable to keep out of the way? a) b) c) d) Due Due Due Due to to to to her draft her nature of work some exceptional circumstances. danger to navigation in her vicinity.

5. What does the word VESSEL refers to? a) It includes any floating object in the water. b) It includes every description of watercraft, including nondisplacement craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on the water. c) It includes only watercraft propelled by machinery. d) It includes only watercraft under sail and making way through the water.

6. The term given to a vessel that through some exceptional circumstances is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way. a. Sailing vessel b. Vessel not under command c. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver d. Vessel constrained by her draft 7. A vessel is said to be engage in fishing when a) He gears extend more than 100 meters vertically from the vessel. b) She is at anchor and has fishing apparatus on board. c) She is using fishing apparatus that restricts her maneuverability. d) A & C is not correct 8. The boundary between the International Collision Regulation and Inland Rules is the a) b) c) d) 3 miles from the shore Inland Demarcation line COLREG Demarcation line Any of the above.

9. Under what situation you may violate the Rules? a) When you are willing to accept the consequences of noncompliance. b) When special circumstances occur. c) When due regards to safety of navigation. d) No. Never violate the Rule. 10. Who will be responsible for an accident resulting from neglecting to comply with International Rule of the Road? a) b) c) d) The owner The crew Master All of the above

11. Which of the statement below is NOT TRUE regarding the application the International Rules of the Road? a) The Rule applies to vessels upon high seas. b) The Rule applies to all vessels upon high seas and all waters connect therewith navigable by seagoing vessel. c) The Rule applies to all vessels upon high seas and all waters connect therewith navigable by any kind of vessel. d) All of the above


Which of the statement below is TRUE regarding the Local Rule and the COLREGS? a) The International Collision Regulation for Preventing Collision at Sea can always interfere with local Rules. b) Local or Inland Rules can make any additional signals that can be mistaken as required in the COLREGS. c) The International Collision Regulation for Preventing Collision at Sea cannot interfere with local Rules. d) C & B correct.

13. When a vessel that cannot deviate from the course she is following, because of the available depth and width of the navigable water in relation to her draught is called ___________? a) Vessel restricted I her ability to deviate from course b) Vessel Constrained by her draft. c) Vessel not under command d) Vessel engaged in pilotage duty. 14. a) b) c) d) 15. a. b. c. d. When two vessels are shall be deemed to sight of one another? When the other vessel can the other in her radar display. When the two vessels detect each other on their respected radar display. When one can be observed visually from the other. A & C is correct. Which vessel is underway according to the rules? A A A A vessel made fast to a single point-mooring buoy purse seiner hauling her nets pilot vessel at anchor vessel, which has run aground

16. When a vessel is considered underway? a. When made fast to the shore b. When at anchor c. When not making way d. When aground 17. The vessel is underway when: a. She is aground b. She is at anchor c. She is NOT fast to the shore d. All the answer is wrong.

18. A vessel, which is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance, shall exhibit: a. during the day, three balls in a vertical line b. during the day, three shapes, the highest and the lowest being balls and the middle being a diamond c. when making way at night, two all-round red lights and, sidelights, and sternlight d. when making way at night, a masthead light, sidelights and a sternlight 19. A vessel transferring cargo while underway is classified by the Rules as vessel: a. not under command b. in special circumstances c. restricted in her ability to maneuver d. constrained by her draft 20. Which vessel is underway" under the Rules of COLREG-72? A vessel a. at anchor with the engine running b. with a line led to a tree onshore c. drifting with the engine off d. aground 21. A vessel which is "restricted in her ability to maneuver" under the Rules, is a vessel which is: a. mine-clearing b. engaged in fishing c. at anchor d. not under command 22. According to the Rules, which vessel is NOT "restricted in her ability to maneuver"? a. Vessel servicing a navigation marker b. Sailing vessel c. A mine-clearing vessel d. A vessel dredging 23. A vessel showing a yellow light over a light white at night is a vessel a. engaged in piloting b. towing astern c. engaged in fishing d. in distress 24. Which vessel is NOT regarded as being "restricted in her ability to maneuver"? a. A vessel servicing an aid to navigation. b. A vessel engaged in dredging. c. A towing vessel with tow unable to deviate from its course d. A vessel constrained by her draft

25. The International Rules of the COLREG-72 apply a. to all waters b. to any waters inside the territorial waters of interested country c. only to waters where foreign vessels travel d. upon the high seas and connecting waters navigable by seagoing vessels 26. Which statement applies to a vessel "constrained by her draft"? a. The term only applies to vessels in narrow channels. b. She is severely restricted in her ability to change her course because of her draft in relation to the available depth and width of navigable water. c. She is designated as a "vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver d. The vessel must be over 100 meters in length. 27. Which statement is TRUE concerning a vessel "constrained by her draft"? a. She is hampered because of her work. b. She is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance. c. She may be a vessel being towed. d. She must be a power-driven vessel. 28. Which vessel is NOT "restricted in her ability to maneuver" ? a. A vessel servicing an aid to navigation. b. A vessel constrained by her draft. c. A towing vessel with tow, unable to deviate from its course. d. A vessel engaged in dredging. 29. Which of the following organization develop the International Regulation for Preventing Collision art Sea (IRPCS) 1972? a. Maritime Industry Authority b. International Maritime Organization c. United States Coast Guard Authority d. International Ship and Port Safety Committee 30. The phrase SPECIAL RULE MADE BY AN APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY as used in the navigational rules refers to a. the International rules of the roads (COLREG) b. navigation and pilot rules for United States only c. Pilot rules established by the governments of other nation. d. B & C


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C C D B B B C C D D 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B D B C B C C C C C 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. A B B D D B D B B D

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