BEE - 3D - Assignment No. 1

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Introduction to Computer Programming

Assignment No.1 IF Else & Switch Statements

Submission Time: 1:40 p.m. Marks: 5
Instructions: Copied Assignments will be marked ZERO regardless of the fact who copied whom Viva will be conducted in next lab Total Marks 5 Late assignments will not be considered Hardcopy Submission

Date: 5th Oct, 12

Task 1: (Manual 2.4) Write a Program in C++ that takes an Integer value from the user and tell if it is EVEN or ODD Task2: (Manual 2.5) Write a program in C++ that takes a single character from the user, and tells if it is a Small Letter or it is a CAPITAL letter using if statement only Task 3: (Manual 2.6) Write a program in C++ using if/else operator with nested statements to find the grade of a student. marks >= 90 Grade A marks >= 80 Grade B marks >=70 Grade C marks >=60 Grade D

Task 4: Write a program that reads two integers and make a calculator: If If If If If the character is +, the sum is printed; it is -, the difference is printed; it is *, the product is printed; it is /, the quotient is printed; and it is %, the remainder is printed.

Use switch-statement.

Good Luck

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