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Intellectual Openness
"openmindedness helps students understand the ways in Juan Ayala which knowledge is "Such openmindedness helps students" essential, Conley Marcoluis Garcia wants the alumni to keep an "such opendmindeness helps students" basically, Conley Oscar Gradila wants people to keep their "the students possesses curiosity and a thirst for deeper Kimberly Gonzalez understanding" having an "questions the views of others when those views are not Helen J.Mendez logially supported, accepts "the students possesses curiosity and a thirst for deeper maria navarro understanding" having an "such openmindedness helps student understands the ways in Saudi Grajeda which knowledge is constructed "Openmindedness helps students understand the ways in Nancy Aguilar which knowledge is "thirst for deeper understanding" means that Claudia Silva students questions the world "thirst for deeper understanding" I agree with this Angelica Rodriguez because I myself have that "accepts constructive criticism and changes personal views" Marlyn Rodriguez Having someone criticize you "helps understand the ways in which knowledge is Roxana Viramontes constructed" being open Paola Alejandra Morgado Yadira asenet Torres

"The student does not simpily acept asgiven any asertion that by aknowledging the accuracy "The student...seeks evidence to defend arguments" a person should asks questions about "The student does not simpily acept asgiven any asertion that by aknowledging the accuracy "seeks Evidence to defend arguments" this is relevant because, in order to to have "seeks evidence" is another good strategy that will help one develop their argument with "the students engages in active inquiry and research questions.." means to ask "the student...research questions and seeks evidence to defend arguments..." a good "Seeks evidence to defend arguments, explanations, or lines of reasoning." Having a "research questions and seeks evidence to defend arguments." students should learn to "but asks why things are so" I like this description because if I don't understand something, I "asks why things are so" I find this interesting because I ask this all the time, if I dont know or "The student does not simply accept as given any assertions that is presented or conclusion

"seeks evidence" "Such openmindedness helps "students reaserch questions student understands the ways in and seeks evidence to defend which knowledge is constructed arguments" it says that when

Arturo Diaz "Openmindedness helps "Seeks evidence" Must have students" Having an open mind evidence to back up an helps you succeed arguement

JJ ^.^

Marisa Henriquez

Claudia Nunez

Jessica Hernandez

Christian Perez

"accepts constructive criticism" criticism helps you grow from your mistakes. "the student possesses curiosity and a thirst for deeper understanding" I think it is "such openmindnes helps students understand the ways in which knowledge is "Question the views of others when those views are not logically supported" Don't belive

Ramiro Casillas

"The student possesses "students reaserch curiosity and a thirst for questions and seeks gerardo de dios deeper understanding" evidence to defend
"Accepts constructive criticism and changes personal view if warranted by the evidence" I

accepts constructive critisism

"seeks evidence to defend arguments, explanations. student does not accept any "research questions and seeks evidence to defend arguements, explanations, or lines of " the student does not simply accept as given any assertion that is presented or conclusion "student research, questions, and seeks evidence to defend arguments" "research questions and seeks evidence to defend arguements, explanations, or lines of

Eduardo Alfaro

student possess curiosity and a Luis Carlos Pruneda thirst for deeper understanding, "accepts contructive critism" Students are able to understand from different points of views "Such openmindedness helps students understand the ways in Jacky Ruiz which knowledge is "..Accepts constructive critisim,.." i belive this is vital Anthony O when becoming a college "openmindedness helps students understand the ways in Alexx Lopez which knowledge is

"the student engages in active inquiry" Its important for students to ask questions student engages in active inquiry and dialogue about subject matter and research "Student does not simply accept as given assertion that is presented" "dialogue about subjet matter and research questoins and seeks evidence to defend "The student engages in active..seeks evidence to defend arguments..." Its "student engages in active inquiry and dialogue about subject matter and research

3: I need to speak up more when disagree or have 8/28/2012 questions about someone's

3: Again I need to speak up more ask why things are so which is someting i dont do

"The student identifies and evaluates material and sources..."I think I'm doing "The student identifies and evaluates data" A student has to be able to interpret data and "the student identifies and evaluates data" A student has to be able to interpret data and "identifying and evaluating data, material, and sources, for quality of content, validity, "compares and contrasts sources" helps students see the difference in arguments;it also "the student indentifies and evaluates data, material, & source.." making sure you do "The student compares and contrasts sources..." Compring and contrasting sources is also "Identifying and evaluating data, material, and sources, for quality of content, validity, "evaluates data...sources of quality of content, validity, credibility" It is important that "evaluates...sources for quality of content, validity, credibility, and relevance" I think all "The student compares and contrasts sources..." This is a great strategy for students to be "compares and contrasts sources" Helps us compare and think about what they are

4.Reasoning, Argumentation, and Proof

"The student constructs wellreasoned arguments or proofs to explain phenomena or "The student constructs well reasoned argument" One must be able to defend your "Students construct well reasoned arguments" each student shoud be able to defend "defend a point of view or conclusion" this means that you need to show your point of view "accepts critique...and addresses critiques" is a major point because one may accept "student construct wellreasoned arguments.." arguing for what you think is right untill "The student constructs wellreasoned arguments..." Every student must be skilled at "The student constructs wellreasoned arguments or proofs to explain phenomena or "accepts critique of or challenges to assertions...acknowledging the "addresses critiques and challenges by providing a logical explanation or refutation" "...and adresses critiques and challenges by providing a logical explanation or refutation" "construct an arguement and defend a point" I think this is helping us becuase if we know

"The student analyses competingand conflicting descriptions of an event or "analyzes... strengths and flaws in each description" A student could be able to identify what is "analyzes. . .strengths and flaws in each description" A student could be able to identify what is "to determine the strengths and flaws in each description." this is meaningful to me because, "coherent explanation" stands out because one can have the best argument, anaylsis, or "students analyze competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue.." being able "...states the interpretation is is more likely correct or is most reasonable" to state something "Writing and extended description, summary, and evaluation of varied "states the interpretation that is most likely correct or is reasonable based on the "states the intepretation that is most likely correct or is reasonable based on the "states the interpretation that is most likely corect or is most reasonable, based on the "most reasonable, based on the availble evidence" Interpretation is basically based on what you

"compare and contrast" " The students compares and contrasts sources and finding and generates summaries and

"well-reasoned arguments"

"most reasonable"

"Compares and contrasts sources" You need to compare "Constucts well- reasoned things to see which resource is arguements"

"Interpretation that is most likely correct or is most reasonable" You need to interpret the one

"..generates summaries and explanations of source materials." important to know so "..generates summaries and explanations of source materials." This is something "generates summaries and explanations of source materials" this is something that "The students compares and contrasts sources and findings and generates summaries" "identify and evaluate data, material, and sources for quality of content, validity, credibility

"the student identifies and evaluates data, material, and sources

""the student consructs well reasoned arguments or proofs to explain phenomena or "the student constructs wellreasoned arguements or proofs to explain phenomena or "construct an arguement and defend a point" I think this is helping us becuase if we know "..Adrresses critiques and challenges by providing logical explanation or refutation..." Like "construct an arguement and defend a point" I think this is helping us becuase if we know

"well reasoned arguments " dont make dumn arguments

"states the interpretation that is most likely correct or is most reasonable, based on the "the student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or "States the interpretation that is most likely correct or is most reasonable" "analyzes... strengths and flaws in each description" A student could be able to identify what is

"states the interpretation that is most likely correct or is

"The student compares and contrasts sources and findings and generates summaries " I student identifies and evaluates data, material, and sources for quality of content, validity,

"The student constructs well reasoned arguments or proofs to explain phenomena"Students constructs well reasoned arguements or utilizes recognized forms of reasoning "Constructs well-organized arguments or proofs to explain" Using outside reasources in "identify and evaluate data, "accepts critiques and material, and sources for quality challenges to assertions" I like of content, validity, credibility this quote because I'm not good " and contrast "The student constructs wellsources.." By compairing and reasoned arguments or contrasting you will get proofs.." Having well reasoned "the student compares and "constructs well reasoned contrasts sources and findings arguments proofs....and defend and generates summaries and a point of view or conclusion "

"The student analyzes competing and conflictng descriptions of an event or student analyzes competing and conflicting description and any commonalities among or "States the interpetation that is most likely correct or is most reasonable." Being able to "competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue to determine the strengths "..a coherent explanation.." Being able to explain your self in the most clearest way helps "synthesizes the results of an anylasis of competing or conflicting

2: I try to evaulate data, material 2: i try to construct well and etc however do not feel my reasoned argument with proof summaries are good enough but sometimes my argument

2: since i struggle with interpreting what the strengths/flaws of a description.

6.Precision and Accuracy



"the student knows what type of precision is appropriate" a person must know what they "precisinon is apropitate to the task" its very important because because you must be "precision is appropiate to the task" its very important because because you must be "uses precision...reach correct conclusions.." helps students know how precison must be "students know what type of precision in appropriate to the task..." knowing what to do & "...uses precision appropriately to reach correct conclusion" to be able to reach correct "Uses precision appropriately to reach correct conclusions in the context of the task or subject "uses precision appropriately to reach correct conclusions in the context of the task or subject "knows what type of precison is appropriate to the task" I think students should know when "uses precision appropriately to reach correct conclusions in the context of the task or subject "successive approximation" helps us get everything precisely and on time. If we do "increased precision and accuracy"

"the student develops and applies multiple strategies", in simpler terms, one must be able "the student develops and applies multiple strategies", basically a person must be able "ways of knowing" this is good because, you need to know good strategies in order to be a "multiple strategies" will help one problem solve because he/she will not give up if their "the student develops and applies multiple strategies" using different ways to solve "Without the capability to think in these ways, the entering college student either struggles "Student develops and applies multiple strategies to solve routine problems, generate "the student develops and applies methods of problem solving to complex problems." "applies methods of problem solving to complex problems" Students should apply what they "..strategies to solve non-routine problems, and applies methods of problem solving to complex "multiple strategies" By students using multiple strageties we use more of our skills to solve

"students are evaluated at least to some degree[writing]" a student must be able to write a "students are evaluated at least to some degree" a student must be able to write a essay while "students are evaluated at least to some degree in nearly every postsecondary course." being "write short periods of time" is what is necessary to do in college and for students its a "students are evaluated at least to some degree in nearly every postsecondary course." being "Students need to know how to pre-write, how to edit, and how to re-write..." This is a skill that "Expository, descriptive, and persuasive writing are particulary important types of "students need to know how to pre-write, how to edit and how to rewrite" In college students "need to know how to a piece before it is submitted" I think "Students are expected to write a lot in college and to do so in relatively short periods of time." "How to edit and how to rewrite" By knowing these two basic skills the

"multiple strategies"

"present arguments"

"Increase precision and accuracy" in order to become better at writing nd speaking

"Applies methods of problem solving to complex problems" You need to apply everything

"Requires students to present arguements clearly" I need to be able to have better

"the student knows what type of precision is appropriate to the task and the subject area" This "the student knows what type of precision is appropriate to the task and the subject area" this "uses precision appropriatley to reach correct conclusion" people are exact when they do "Increase precision and accuracy" in order to become better at writing nd speaking

"generates strategies to solve non routine prblems" we go through many obstacles and " the student develops and applies multiple strategies to solve routine problems " this "It is neccesary to disern the truth" "Applies methods of problem solving to complex problems" You need to apply everything

" writing is the means by which students are evaluated at least to some degree.." Writing is a "students are expected to write a lot in college and to do in a relatively short period of time" "Expository, descriptive, and persuasive writing...expect to write a lot" So much writting

"increase precision and "it is neccesary to accuracy" always be disern the truth" dont percise becuase its listen to untruthfull

"present arguments"

"Expsitory Descriptive" well i chose this beacuse i really dont

"Uses precision appropriatley to reach correct conclusions" Students use precision to come precision and accuracy through successive approximations generated from a task or "Increases precision and accuracy." Student knows what to say and what to do at the "precision appropriately to reach correct conclusion" I think this is helpful because I need to learn "..increase precision and accuracy.." Increasing in whatever will help you better

"Applies multiple strategies to slove routine problems" I think that students should come up develops and applies multiple strategies to solve routine problems, generate strategies "The student developes and applies multiple to solve rountine problems." Being able "apply multiple strategies to solve routine problems" This stands out to me because I "..generate strategies.." Having a wide range of strategies will help solve any problems that

"students are evaluated at least to some degree every postsecondary course " College writing requires students to present arguements clearly, substantiate each point, "Writing is the means by which students are evaluated at least to some degree in nearly every "Expository, descriptive, and persuasive writing are particulary important types of ".. students need to know how to edit, prewrite.. before submitting it.." The students

3: I didn't even know precision was neccesary in college.

2: I do have multiple strategies 2: I do feel i can write good for problem solving but however I need time and can't sometimes i dont know and just write in short periods of time


"require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate strategies" college wants the "require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate strategies" college wants the

"students must be able to evaluate the apprpriateness of a variety of source material and "college courss increasingly require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate "they must also be able to access a variety of types of information from a range of "Students must also be able to access a variety of types of information from a range of "students must be able to evaluate the appropriateness of a variety of a source material " must be able to evaluate the appropriateness of a variety of source material...incorperate "...evaluate the appropriateness of a variety of source material and then synthesize and "students must be able to access a variety of information" When students have many

Require students to be able to identify You need to identify errors and problems in college

"college courses increasingly require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate "college courses increasingly require students to be able to identify and utilize approproiate "require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate strategies" You have to use "Appropriate strategies and methodologies to explore and answer problems and to "college courses are now wanting kids to work harder to solve real world problems "Students must be able to evaluate the appropriateness of a variety of socure material College courses increasingly require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate "College courses increasingly require students to be able to identify and utilize approproiate "Appropriate strategies and methodologies to explore and answer problems and to "..access a veriety of types of information.."Having mulitple sources and knowing which on

2: I still need to work on evaluating the source and putting material into a report


Juan Ayala

"To be ready to succeed in such courses, students need to build vocabulary nd word analysis "skills developed in entry-level English courses enable students to engage in texts" this "skills developed in entry-level English courses enable students to engage in texts" this


Marcoluis Garcia

Oscar Gradilla

"Most success in college math is understanding the basic principles" once again, the high "most success in college math is understanding the basic principles" this is like the

Kimberly Gonzalez "create well written, organized and supported work" makes me Helen J. Mendez ready in a way because i know ""enable students to engage text critically and create well Maria Navarro written, organized, & supported " vocabulary and word analysis" evevryone should Saudi Grajeda have an expanded vocabulary "The knowledge and skills developed in enrty-level English Nancy Aguilar courses enable students to "engage texts critically and create well written, organized, Claudia Silva and supported work." College "Knowing how to slow down to understand key points, when to Angelica Rodriguez re-read a passage" I agree with "knowing how to slow down to understand key points, when to Marlyn Rodriguez re-read a passage" Whenever "..reading comprehnsion and literature, writing and editing, Roxana Viramontes information" In English i "build vocabulary" With good vocab comes good writing an Paola A. Morgado speaking "posses more than a formulaic understanding" makes me somewhat ready because i'm "math is a thorough understanding of the basic concepts, principle,and "..thorough understanding of the basic concepts, principles, and techniques of algebra." I believe "Most important for success in college math is a thorough understanding of the basic "college-ready students possess more than a formulaic understanding of mathematics."

Torres Yadira

Arturo Diaz

JJ ^.^

Marisa Henriquez

"College-ready students possess more than a formulaic understanding of mathematics." "understanding of the basic concepts , principles, and techniques of algebra." In math "understanding basic concepts, principles, and techniques of algebra" Its needed!!! no matter "understaning of the basic concepts" You need to " understand the basics in order "Students need to build their "most important for success in vocabulary" To succeed in college math is a thourough school you must have a ltge understanding of the concepts, "Students need to build their "Understaning of the basic vocabulary" I am not reaady concepts" I am somewhat ready because I need an because math has been one of need to utilize techniques such "understanding basic concepts" as strategic reading that will need to learn the basics before help them read & understand a you move on to harder

Claudia Nunez

"students need to build vocabulary and word analysis skills, incuding roots and

"most important for success in college math is a thourough understanding of the concepts,

" to be ready to succeed in such courses "Students need to utilize techniques such as strategic Christian Perez reading that willl help them read "build vocabulary" With good Ramiro The BIG vocab comes good writing an bOSS speaking "engage texts critacally" beacuase you always have to gerardo de dios do that in class "Knowing when to re read a passage and when to underline Eduardo Alfaro key terms " These strategies The foundations of English include reading comprehension Luis Carlos Pruneda and literature, writing and "Students need to build vocabulary and word analysis Ismael Jimenez skills" It's true, I feel with a few "texts critically and create well written" yes because we had to Jacky Ruiz write millions of essays and "buld vocabulary and word analysis" Im somewhat ready Anthony Ortega because i feel like i have to buld "to be ready to succeed in courses....need to build alexx lopez vocabulary.." building your Jessica Hernandez

"Understanding of the basic concepts" you need to know how to do the simple stuff and "understaning of the basic concepts" You need to understand the basics in order "most important for success in college math is a thourough understanding of the concepts, "They have the ability to apply conceptual understandings" Sometimes people struggle not In college, math is thorough understnading of the basic concepts, principles, and "Possess more than a formulaic understanding of mathematics." Math is not my strength, I "basic concepts, principles, and technques of algebra" yes because I'm very good at math "College students possess more than a formualic understanding" Yes im ready, i "they understand what it means to understand mathematical concepts deeply.." i am college


Social Studies.4

World Languages.5

"college science courses emphasize scientific thinking in all their facets" basically, "college science courses emphasize scientific thinking in all their facets" this is refering

For the scocial science area, there are many subjects that range from geography to "the socail scineces entail a range of subject areas, each with its own content" such as

"The goal of a second language is to communicate effectively with [others]" the secound "the goal of a second language is to communicate effectivley" this is a subject that im well in

"students learn what it means to think like a scientist" makes me not ready for science because "in addition to utilizing all the steps in the scientific method, student learn what it means to "...utilizing all the steps in the scientific method' I'm actually 100x"s better now at the

"college students most typically "through the skills of listening, takes are in geography" makes speaking, reading and writing" me not be ready since i really is something i'm close to "social studies is a range of subject areas, each with its own contenct based.." I like to learn

" "systems as wasy to comprehend complex phenomena" Students should "in addition in utilizing all the steps in the scientific method, students learn what it means to "students master courses principles laws" For some students its hard to reach the "students master courses principles laws" No because i have a hard time getting "students master courses principles laws" No because i have a hard time getting "Students learn what it means to think like a scientist" I am not ready because science is my "knowledge is both constant and changing at any given moment" this is important to get

"emphasize the skills of interpreting sources, evaluating evidence, and competing "understanding themes and the overall flow of events within larger framework" Social "geography, political science, economics.." don't really know anything. "geography, political science, economics.." I think m ready because I dont know "geography, political science, economics.." I'm somewhat ready because I don't know "Social sciences consist of certain big ideas" I am ready for social studies because I have "geography, political science, economics.." i am not ready because i dont know alot about

"Second language study is to communicate effectively" it comes in handy with you either "language learners need to understand the structure and conventions of language " this "second language study is to communicate effectivly with and recive communidation from "Second language proficiency can improve learning in other disciplines" I am somewhat "communicate effectively with and recieve communication from the speakers of another

"students master courses principles laws" I dont think I'm ready becuase science is hard

"geography socioligy history" We have skipped doing Geography so we are behind "geography socioligy history" im not ready for this beacuase i scientific method have a gap in my knowledge in "cunclusions are subjected to "geography socioligy history" im challenge " i like this quote not ready for this beacuase i beacuase it shws that you better have a gap in my knowledge in "The evolution of scientific knowledge does not mean the previous knowledge is Communication conventions The courses and entry-level followed by scientist, the way college student most typically that empirical evidence is used takes are in geography, political "Students master core concepts, principles law.." I understand science and I enjoy "In additon to utilizing all the "geography, political science, steps in the scietific method" economics.." I'm somewhat yes because Mr. Larkin just ready because I don't know "students master courses "geography, political science, principles laws" No because i economics.." I'm somewhat have a hard time getting ready because I don't know any "students master core concepts, "college students most typically principles,law..." When it comes takes are in geography ..." Im to science Im not college ready almost college ready because i

"second language study is to communicate effectivley with and recive communication from goal of second language for better commucation "second lnguage study is to communicate effectivly with and recive communidation from

"the goal of second language study is to communicte.....another "learn and understand cultures" somewhat because its hard especially if its in a different "context through the skills of listening speaking reading and writing" Im somewhat ready

The Arts.6

the arts is a fun subject. One learns about the history of the origin of art and can conjure a

"understand the role of the arts as an instrument of social and political expression" is

"they understand the role of the arts as an instrument of social and political expression" , Art is "understand the role of the arts as an instrument of social and political expression" i am kinda "Students com to understand themselves as instruments of communication and expression" "understand the role of the arts as an instrument of social and political expression" i am ready

"dance and theater" i chose this beacuase i do not nknow anything bout dance and theater

"The arts refer to college subject...visual arts" Yes because I just took art and it "college subjects areas including art history, dance, music, theater, and visual arts" I "including art history, dance, music theater and visual art" somewhat because I have

ACADEMIC BEHAVIORS Self-Monitoring Skills

Awareness of One's Current Level of Mastery Persist when presented with a Reflecting on What Worked and novel, difficult, or ambigious What Needed Improvement task

Study Skills
Transfer Learning and Identify and Choose a Range of Strategies from Fmiliar Settings Learning Strategies to New Ones Time Management

Preparing for and Taking Exams

Using Information Resources

Taking Class Notes

Communicating with Teachers and Advisors

Participate Successfully in a Study Group


Understanding of the Postsecondary
College Admissions Tuition Costs and College Options and the Financial Aid Choices System Placement Requirements, Testing and Culture of College

Knowledge of the Norms, Values, and

Challenge Level of College Courses Collaborate and Work in a Team Understand Norms Interact with People of the Academic from Different Communicate Culture and How to Backgrounds and Informally

Demonstrate leadership skills in a Variety of Settings

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