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Question- Black Answer- Red Highlighted-Most Popular Music Magazine Questionnaire:

I am looking into and soon making a music magazine about Pop music. My target audience are males and females aged 16-25 who are interested in Pop music. I would be very grateful if you could answer the following questions about this genre of music and music magazine. Please circle, tick or comment what is correct for you:

1. Are you: male/female aged 16-25, interested in Pop/dance music? Please circle ( Yes / No )
What Pop/Dance music/artists/bands do you currently listen to? The Script Deaf Havana Rihanna Maroon 5 Fun Ed Sheeran Bruno Mars Nicki Minaj Mcfly

2. What attracts you to Pop/Dance music? (Please Circle)

The lyrics of the songs The instruments and vocals used The image of the genre The artists/bands The beat Other (specify below)

3. How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? (Please circle) Nothing Less than 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 More than 4

4. Do you currently buy/read music magazines? (Please Circle) YES (If Yes, please to ANSWER question 5) NO (If No please go to question 6) 5. Specify which music magazine(s) you buy and /or read.
Kerrang, NME, Clash What do you like about this magazine?

Information, Focus on bands is correct for target audience

6. Why dont you buy and or read music magazines? (Please Circle)
I dont really know much about them They dont interest me They dont seem to be aimed at people like me Theyre too expensive I dont buy/read any magazines Other reasons (please specify)

7. What would encourage you to buy a music magazine? (Please Circle)

Free gifts Competitions (win CDs, tickets, etc.) Exclusive news and interviews Dates of oncoming gigs Cheaper price Other (please specify)

8. Which magazine do you find the most eye-catching/appealing? (Circle response)

Please give a reason why? Focuses on a band I like, Simple, Clearly displayed information

9. What would you like to see on a front cover of a music magazine?

How much you agree for each (5 is strongly) or (0 is weakly) Preferred 0 images /photographs for cover of magazine Several images One main image of key artist/band Musical instruments/props 1 2 3 4 5

Bright colours Darker colours

10. What contents would you like to see in a music magazine? How much you agree for each (5 is strongly) or (0 is weakly) Examples of 0 1 2 appropriate content Gig guides and event info General info about the music scene Info about specific bands/ artists Gossip Latest news

Overall summary of results

Using the results from my questionnaire I have found out more about the exact target audience I should aim my music magazine at and what they want.

1- Some of the main bands I should refer to in my magazine are: The Script, Rihanna, Ed Sheeran
and Mcfly. They were named as favourite bands by a large amount of the asked audience, meaning they will be of interest to most viewers and readers of the magazine.

2- Incorporate the artist/bands image, colour scheme or distinctive patterns into part of the magazine
to create an obvious link and theme which readers recognise and find attractive, also add lyrics with my magazine pages.

3- Make the price of the magazine between 2 and 3 as this is how much the target audience would
be willing to pay for the typical contents inside.

4- Focus on specific bands/artists as they get direct interest of viewers, which is what buyers find the
best feature in a magazine (said by readers of NME and Clash Magazines).

5- Aim the magazine towards an audience of male and female aged 16-20 rather than older buyers. 6- Include exclusive news and interviews, plus free gifts
competitions to win prizes add to seem like the buyer more than they paid for. and is getting as they

7- Use simple cover like these two example magazines

have a simple layout and focus on specific bands/artists and display relating information clearly.

8- On the front cover use on main image, with maybe a few smaller ones too but make sure not to overload the page. Use mainly bright colours to catch the attention and highlight importance, however include darker colours too to keep a professional look and if relating to the bands/artists identity.

9- Some of the most important things for the contents in the magazine to relate to a wide audience but
include information on specific bands/artists, plus any latest news, gossip or gig and event related information.

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