Early Dynastic

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Early Dynastic Egypt

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Early Dynastic Egypt

Early Dynastic Egypt - Dates and Time Period
The time period covering Early Dynastic Egypt is 3050 BC - 2686 BC.

Significant Historical Events, Achievements and People of Early Dynastic Period

The significant Events, Achievements and People of Early Dynastic Egypt are as follows: The First and second dynasties ruled Egypt and began using hieroglyphics King Menes aka Hor-Aha, is considered to be the founder of the first Dynasty who united Upper and Lower Egypt Large tombs of pharaohs or kings found at at Abydos, Naqada and Saqqara Memphis, in Lower Egypt, was established as the capital of Egypt Memphis, founded around 3100 BC and is the legendary city ruled by Menes, the King who united Upper and Lower Egypt

Early Dynastic Egypt - The Dynasties

The names of the dynasties spanning the Early Dynastic period were: 1st - First Egyptian Dynasty 2nd - Second Egyptian Dynasty The names of the Pharaohs who ruled during these dynasties of the Early Dynastic period are detailed below.

Early Dynastic Egypt

The period of Ancient Egypt history, which includes the period of Early Dynastic Egypt, stretches over 3000 years and encompasses hundreds of Pharaohs. Because of this massive time span and timeline Egyptologists have divided the different historical times into Periods, Kingdoms and Dynasties: Definition of Kingdoms - Politically organized communities with a monarchical form of government headed by a King, Queen or Pharaoh Definition of Dynasties - Egyptian dynasties were families which retained political power across generations Definition of Periods - A distinct evolutionary or developmental phase, such as the period of Early Dynastic Egypt Definition of Intermediate Periods - The time between the end of an old period or kingdom to the start of a new period or Kingdom, allowing for possible anomalies in dates

Early Dynastic Egypt - The Pharaohs

The names give to the Pharaohs of Early Dynastic Egypt are: List of the names of the Pharaohs of the 1st - First Egyptian Dynasty Hor-Aha aka King Menes Djer Djet Den Anedjib Semerkhet Qa'a http://www.king-tut.org.uk/ancient-egypt-history/early-dynastic-egypt.htm 5/23/2010

Early Dynastic Egypt List of names of the Pharaohs of the 2nd - Second Egyptian Dynasty Hotep-sekhemwy Raneb aka Nebra Weneg Senedj Nynetjer Sekhemib Khasekhemwy

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