Free Write - Inquiry Paper

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1. Write about what youve learned so far about the topic that you didnt know before.

While researching for this ridiculous paper that I know absolutely nothing about I have found a few things that I deem interesting. First, when the Dalai Lama is trying to understand death and his future he goes to Lhamo Lhatso Lake (Oracle Lake) to meditate or watch for a sign to help him come to terms with death and the imminent future. Buddhist Monks also do this when they search for a sign to find the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. Now on track with the process Monks use meditation, dreams, smoke, and the lake to receive messages about where the next Dalai Lama will be found. Through mediation, they see signs through their dreams. With the smoke theory, the monks take the cremated ashes of the former Dalai Lama, take them to Oracle Lake, release them, and see which way the wind blows to see what direction the next Dalai Lama will be found in. In addition, the Dalai Lama can leave instruction to where to find him; such instructions can include visuals like he will be found in a house with a red roof by a blue building. In addition, when the supposed Dalai lama is found the child is presented with several objects either owned by the Dalai Lama or not and is asked to choose from them. If the boy takes, the objects owned by the Dalai Lama it is a promising sign that he is the reincarnation.

2. What in your research has so far surprised you the most? The paper about childhood and how these children who are chosen to be the Dalai Lama are taken away from their childhood and arent allowed to have a quote normal Childhood because their reasoning is that they will eventually have a childhood when they pass on or something.

3. What in your research has most disturbed you? Id have to say the most disturbing thing is just how the monks know. And how china wants to take over the process of reincarnation and the Dalai Lama says the reincarnation will not be born in a state ruled by the Chinese government. I dont know, I dont think Ive really found something that has been disturbing.

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