Preschool News 12-6

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St. Stanislaus Catholic School

Preschool News
December 6, 2012

Our Week In Review

Our theme this week was Merry Christmas We continued to discuss the upcoming Christmas season with a special focus on Jesus birth. We discussed that while it is fun to receive presents, Jesus is the greatest gift! The children listened to a story titled Room For A Little One that highlighted the animals in the stable where Jesus was born. They also loved Mrs. Wishy Washys Christmas which they listened to with headphones. The other centers this week included counting candles on cakes and singing Happy Birthday to baby Jesus, making patterns with gingerbread, playing in shaving cream, learning about the letter Pp, and of course making our art projects! Next week we will begin making gifts for moms and dads!

Upcoming Events
Our theme next will continue to be Merry Christmas This will continue for the rest of December. December 18 (evening)- Christmas program (preschool is part of this too!). Arrive at 6:30, program at 7:00 December 20 classroom Christmas party Please read the classroom party note for more information regarding the classroom party. If you missed it last week, it is on the class website under the heading Preschool News.

Snack helpers
Morning 12/4 Timmy Clarey 12/6 Cailee Francomb Afternoon 12/4 Madi Langlois 12/6 Luke Skrycki

Mrs. Angie Mulder 269-793-7204

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