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TANIM Kimi modal verb yaplar ad ya da yklem olarak tadklar anlama (can (n) = teneke kutu, have (v) = sahip olmak, May (n) = Mays, must (n) = gereklilik, will (n) = irade; vasiyetname) dikkat etmek gerekebilir. 2. KULLANIM VE EVR Modal verb yaplar abece srasna gre ele alnmtr. 2.1. be (= am / is / are) able to "Bir eyi yapabilmek" anlamn tar. I am able to run a mile. Ben bir mil koabilirim. Bu yap Trkeye "yklem + - Ebil- " ile aktarlr. 2.2 can a) bir eyi yapabilmek Can you speak German ? b) olaslk He can be here any moment. c) izin, rica Can I leave early ? Can you turn the volume down ? Bu kullanmlar (a-c) Trkeye "yklem + - EbIl-" ile aktarlr. Can szcnn farkl kullanm ve anlamlar bulunmakta: =>=> can't stand = katlanamamak, holanmamak can't help = kendini tutamamak can't stand / can't help + Ving

d) Olumsuz sonu karma It can't be her. She is much taller. e) Gemie ait olumsuz sonu karma. She can't have left earlier. 2.3. could a) Gemite bir eyi yapabilmek. I could swim across the lake then. Tom ..... read and write when he was only 4 years old. A. can B. must C. have to D. could E. should b) olaslk Perhaps she could answer all the questions. c) izin, rica Could you do me a favour ? d) teklif Could we meet at around 12 tomorrow ? e) Sonu karma He could be at home. He could be sleeping. f) Gereklememi, gemie ait olaslk I could have passed the test. 2.4. dare a) Cesaret etmek She daren't do it. b) Sadece I daresay yaps ile, olaslk I daresay you are tired. 2.5. had better Tercih, "olsa iyi olur" Hadn't we better start right away ? / I'd better keep it in a box. You ..... better see a doctor; you look awful.

A. may B. would C. had D. must E. should 2.6. have (got) to a) Konumacnn gereklere dayanarak ilettii zorunluluk. She has to leave immediately. There is a phone call. b) Gerekmezlik (= needn't ) You don't have to study at all. She won't have to go. We didn't have to buy anything. Kimi zaman have = sahip olmak yklemi, have to ile benzer bir ekilde kullanlyor olabilir. Tmcenin anlamn yanl anlamamak iin dikkat etmek gerekir. This book has a lot to say. (= This book has a lot of things to say.) Have to ile sk kartrlan bir yap: =>=> have to do with = have connection with

The wound has healed now; you ..... wear that bandage any longer. A. ought to B. will need to C. don't have to D. could E. should Because of a diversion on the road, they ..... another road while they left the town. A. had to take B. have to take C. must have taken D. need to take E. should have taken 2.7. may a) Olaslk We may never see that comet again. b) zin, rica You may go. c) Gelecekte tamamlanmas olas eylem. Many species may have died out by then. d) Gemie ait olas eylem He may have missed the bus. e) Gemite gereklememi olaslk They may have won the match. They played terribly. f) may as well = had better Ayrca may well kullanmna dikkat! Bu yapda well szc pekala, neden olmasn anlamn tar. g) Dualar may ile olur. May zneden nce gelir. May God be with you. h) Ramen anlam veren tmcelerde (=Concession Clause), devrik yapda may kullanlabilir. 2.8. might a) zayf olaslk This medicine might have some side effects b) izin isteme Might we suggest something ? c) gelecekte tamamlanmas olas eylem By the year 2.000, you might have died. Olaslk sz konusu olduunda dikkat edilmesi gereken bir zellik: can/may/might + have + V3 balama gre past ya da future olabilir. d) gemie ait olas eylem He might have tried to contact you. e) gemite gereklememi olaslk =>=>

They might at least have apologized. f) might as well = had better Buy a ticket; you ..... the grand prize. A. might even win B. could even have won C. even won D. need even have won E. must even win 2.9. must a) konumacnn zorunlu grd, kendi fikrine dayal zorunluluk I don't want her here. She must go. / Onu burada istemiyorum. Gitmeli./Gitmesi art. We ..... hurry, or we will be late! A. must B. had to C. should D. ought to E. can b) ok kuvvetli olaslk There must be a mistake. Check it again. / He must be sleeping. I can hear his snore. Olaslk sz konusu olduunda, must szc asndan bir zellik: mustn't yerine can't mustn't be + Ving yerine can't be + Ving mustn't have + V3 yerine can't have + V3 Your umbrella is wet; it ..... raining outside. A. must be B. was C. can't be D. might be E. should be The lights have gone; a fuse ...... A. will have blown B. can blow C. must have blown D. might blow E. should blow c) Yasaklama You must not take any pictures here. d) Gemite gereklemi olmas olas eylem He must have missed the bus. 2.10. need(n't) a) Gerekmezlik (= don't/doesn't have to) You needn't worry. He ..... come with us if he doesn't want to. A. needs to B. needn't have C. didn't need to D. needn't E. needs to b) Gereklilik Need I sign it ? c) Gemite gerek olmad halde yaplm eylem. We needn't have brought our tent; his tent is large enough. 2.11. ought to a) t, tavsiye It ought to be cleaned every two months. b) Gemite gerekle(me)mi olaslk. She ought to have been more careful. 2.12. shall a) Gelecek. Resmi kullanm. When shall we announce the results ? b) Sadece Shall I ve Shall we ile, neri. Shall we go out ? Soru formunda shall yalnzca iki ekilde kullanlmakta: Shall I ......? Shall we ..... ? 2.13. should a) Ykmllk He should work harder. b) u anda gereklemesi gerekirken gereklemeyen - ya da bunun tam tersi - eylem. =>=> =>=>

You should be at home now. You should be studying. c) Why veya How ile, tedirginlik ve fke ifadesinde. How should I know it ? d) Olaslk He worked hard. So, he should succeed. e) Gemite gereklememi gereklilik She should have seen her mistake. The flower is dead; I ..... it twice a week, but I forgot. A. ought to water B. ought to have watered C. should water D. must water E. ought to be watered f) Baz yklem ve sfatlarla I advise that she should resign. g) Second conditional yapda, devrik tmce oluturmak iin. Should he come, give him my message. 2.14. used to a) Gemite olan ve artk devam etmeyen durum / alkanlk. I used to exercise regularly. When I was a child, I ..... a torch with me to bed so that I could read when everybody at home was sleeping. A. was taken B. was taking C. used to take D. must take E. must have taken b) Olumsuz yapda, gemite olmayp sonradan oluan durum / alkanlk. She didn't use to smoke. He never used to leave the office early. Her ne kadar used to ile dorudan bir ilgisi olmasa da, karkla neden olabildii iin be used to ve get used to yaplarna da deinmek yerinde olacaktr. Be used to "alkn olmak", get used to ise "alkanl kazanmak" anlamlarn tarlar ve modal verb zellikleri yoktur. "Your neighbours upstairs are making a lot of noise." "I'm used to it." When I first moved to Ankara, life was difficult. Then I got used to living here. Used to ile sk kartrlan yaplar: =>=> be used to = alkn olmak get used to = alkanl kazanmak be/get used to + Ving be/get used to = be/get accustomed to get used to = become used to

Are you used ..... late? A. having slept B. sleeping C. to have slept D. to sleep E. to sleeping Bazen, use eyleminin edilgen yapda kullanm (This is a tool [which is] used to cut glass) used to olarak alglanmakta ve hata yaplmakta: =>=> (be) used (in order) to Used to ve would fark: =>=> Used to => eylem uzunca bir sre tekrarland / srd, artk srmyor. Would => bilerek ya da amal eylem; eylemin gerekletii zaman genelde belirtilir / ima edilir. Would szcnden sonra bir durum anlatan live, work gibi eylemler kullanlmaz.

2.15. will a) Gelecee ynelik durum, eylem I will come with you.

Next month, we'll be opening a new branch. Next month, we'll have opened a new branch. b) Rica, istek Will you please leave the door open ? c) Gelecee ynelik kesin ve doal sonu She is so stubborn. She'll refuse it. 2.16. would a) Gemite alkanlk. Used to yapsndan fark, bu alkanln bitmi olmasnn gerekmemesidir. He would drink a glass of wine after dinner. / Akam yemeinden sonra bir bardak arap ierdi. b) Rica, istek Would you send the brochures as soon as possible ? c) Gemite zorunluluk, kimi zaman inatlama tayan eylem. I begged him to help me, but he wouldn't. d) Gemite gereklememi eylem. We would have stayed longer but the weather changed. e) Second condition tr kullanmda If you had not been so lazy you would be studying at university now. 2.17. would rather "Tercih etmek, yelemek" anlamn tar. I'd rather keep silent. Tercih sz konusu olduunda than kullanlr. We'd rather starve to death than eat it. would rather + tmce durumunda tmcenin yklemi Simple Past Tense ile oluturulur, ama anlam past deildir. I'd rather you went first. Would rather yapsnn kullanmnda dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar: =>=> Tercih sz konusu olduunda than kullanlr. would rather = would sooner would rather + zne + simple past I ..... go to the cinema than study English. A. had better B. needn't C. should

D. have to

E. would rather

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