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(i,tan J Patel pO Bcx 1593 Ta: ...

44 \012;:)7311 8283
"artrer a SalistMY Square Fa.<-l'44 {Ol 207311 8660
Lonoon =C4Y aBB r..,lell: 661154\ KFM~LO G
lJr.i!eCl l<ingdom !::x 3606C elaclCfnars

Mr Michael Gclb
High Pcriormance Leaming
7903 Curtis Street
Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Our ref kjijfi'1l78S0

8 May 2000

Dear Michael

RaJisiug the potential of oW' people

I would like to express to yOu my appreciation for the course you ran for members of our
Strategy Consulting Group.

The course'~as designed with the objectives of:

• Understanding what it takes to unlock our people' s potential;

• Developing advanced skills in strategie and ereati"e thinkin~ ac:celerated learning. miud-
body co-orc!intltion, communic8tiM and leadership;

• Applying these skills to KPMG' s most important business challenges; and

• Strengthenina teamwork and promcting a culture of excellence.

The addition of wine-tastine, aikido, jU8iling and chess with the Grandmamr helped in
stretching people's view of what they were capable of and their 3ensory awareness. The course
was extremely successful in achieving its objectives and the participants four.d that this was an
enhancing and valuable experien~. In fa<:!,Michael. four of my people were able to step up to
the cballenges of the neKt grade/role as a result! Some comments from our formal debrief of
attendees for your intere~t;

• ItIfelt valued by KPMG"

• "you gave participants an experience that they are the creators of their own future"

1\1 "fundamentally changt:d things for me"

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.. Reali3ing rr.e p:xentfa1 of OW' people


• "short~ned my learning time by 6-12 months"

• "you get to experience your own crel!ltive pctcntial"

/I "Michael Gtlb • a compemng trainer and integ:al to ,he :iuccess of the coursen.

!look forward to WO!kin~ with you to take this forward further in our firm.

KeWl Patel
Head of Strategy COllS1l1ullg

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