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Journal 2 Keri Mozingo Ms.

Hollingsworth Senior Project 30 June 2012 Nursing Experience Today, I went to the Puckett Medical Clinic and shadowed Mrs. Debra Develin. I chatted with her in her office about why I wanted to be a nurse, and she commented by saying, I believe you will be a great nurse. Being a nurse can become busy work, but the feeling of helping others is worth all the hard work. All the work done helps someone in some way. I observed as Ms. Develin talked with patients about why they came to the clinic and what was wrong with them that day. While observing Ms. Develin with patients, I made notes and bullet points on paper. Just by observing, I managed to write three pages of notes. I was so happy to be gaining all the knowledge and information from Ms. Develin, and Im sure I will use all of this information in the future. One of the many tools I learned is that a nurse often uses a machine called a centrifuge. When I saw this big machine sitting on the counter, I was not very sure as to what it was. I looked at Ms. Develin and her assistant, and said, What is that?. When a nurse draws blood, he or she sends the tube of blood to a lab for further tests and observations. However, before the nurse sends the blood, he or she puts the tube into the centrifuge to be separated. The centrifuge separates the blood from the plasma. Because the lab will sometimes choose to test the plasma rather than the blood, the blood is spun and separated. They were shocked that I asked because I took interest in what things were, rather than being shy and keeping comments and questions to myself.

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