Lect 5 - 7 - Shell Momentum Balance

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Shell Momentum Balance

By Amol Deshpande


Transport Phenomena

To obtain velocity profiles for laminar flow of fluids

Definition of viscosity Molecular and Convective momentum flux expressions Concept of momentum balance

Flow Systems to be studied


Flow of a falling film Flow through a circular tube Flow through an annulus Flow of two adjacent immiscible fluids
Transport Phenomena

Steady Flow Laminar Rectilinear Flow Velocity function of one spatial variable

Momentum Balance (Rate of Momentum In) (Rate of Momentum out) + (Force of Gravity) = 0


Transport Phenomena

Viscous Flow Problems Solving Procedure

Identify non-vanishing velocity components Consider a shell and write a shell momentum balance Use definition of first derivative to obtain differential equation for momentum flux Get momentum flux distribution Insert Newtons law viscosity and obtain a differential equation for velocity. Get velocity distribution Use velocity distribution/profile to get other quantities such as max velocity, avg velocity.
11/08/2011 Transport Phenomena

Boundary Conditions
Solid Fluid Interface
No Slip Condition

Liquid Liquid Interface

Continuity of velocity and stress-tensor components

Liquid Gas Interface

Shear Stress Tensor components are taken to be zero


Transport Phenomena

Problem Flow Of a Falling Film


Transport Phenomena

Postulates - Assumptions
vz= vz(x) , vx = 0 ; vy = 0 p = p(x) End effects are neglected Steady Flow Incompressible Fluid Viscosity and Density are constant


Transport Phenomena

Shell - Surface


Transport Phenomena

Shell Momentum Balance


Transport Phenomena

Momentum Flux Distribution

First Derivative (Shell thickness approaches zero)

Momentum Flux


Transport Phenomena

Velocity Distribution
Newtons Law Of Viscosity

Velocity Distribution


Transport Phenomena



Transport Phenomena

Other Quantities
Maximum Velocity Average Velocity

Mass Flow Rate

Film Thickness Viscous Force in the z-direction
16/08/2011 Transport Phenomena

Analysis Falling Film Problem

Experimental Observations
Three flow regimes (Based on Re) Gives information about onset of instability

Results obtained (Velocity, Momentum flux distributions) Valid only for Re < 20
Experiments play a vital role in Fluid Dynamics
16/08/2011 Transport Phenomena

Problem Flow Through A Circular Tube

Steady state, laminar flow of a fluid Constant density and viscosity Vertical tube of length L and radius R L>>R End effects are neglected

vz= vz(r) , vr = 0 ; v = 0 p = p(z)
16/08/2011 Transport Phenomena

Shell Surface


Transport Phenomena

Momentum Balance
Overall momentum balance

Simplification First Derivative


Transport Phenomena

Momentum Flux Distribution

Boundary Condition

Momentum flux Distribution


Transport Phenomena

Velocity Distribution
Newtons Law of Viscosity Boundary Condition At r = R, vz = 0;

Velocity Distribution


Transport Phenomena

Other Quantities
Maximum Velocity Average Velocity Mass Flow Rate

Z- component of the force


Transport Phenomena

Assumptions in Hagen-Poiseuille Equation

Laminar Flow Incompressible Flow Steady Flow Newtonian fluid (Newtons law of viscosity valid) End effects are neglected Fluid behaves as a continuum No slip at the wall


Transport Phenomena

Problem Flow Through An Annulus

Steady state axial flow Incompressible liquid System Coaxial cylinders of radii kR and R, Liquid flows through an annulus in upward direction Postulates
vz= vz(r) , vr = 0 ; v = 0 p(z) = p(z)
18/08/2011 Transport Phenomena

Momentum Flux Distribution

Boundary Conditions At r = R , momentum flux is zero.


Transport Phenomena

Velocity Distribution
Newtons Law of Viscosity Velocity Distribution

Boundary Conditions r = kR, vz = 0 r = R, vz = 0

18/08/2011 Transport Phenomena

Momentum Flux/Velocity Distribution


Momentum Flux / Velocity Distribution


Transport Phenomena


Transport Phenomena

Other Quantities
Maximum Velocity Average Velocity Mass Flow Rate

Z- component of the force


Transport Phenomena

Problem Flow of two adjacent immiscible fluids

Two Immiscible incompressible liquids Fluid flow through a horizontal slit (z-direction) of length L and width W and gap of 2b Fluid flow rates Adjusted to have each fluid filling half of the slit Interface Exactly planar Postulates
vz= vz(x) , vx = 0 ; vy = 0 p(z) = p(z)
18/08/2011 Transport Phenomena

Shell Momentum Balance

Momentum Flux

Boundary Condition


Transport Phenomena

Velocity Distribution

Boundary Conditions
No Slip / Continuity of velocity


Transport Phenomena

Momentum Flux and Velocity Distributions

Momentum Flux and Velocity Profiles


Transport Phenomena

Momentum Flux and Velocity Profiles


Transport Phenomena

Rederive the velocity profile and average velocity for a falling film problem by replacing x by a coordinate x1 measured away from the wall (i.e. x1 = 0 is the wall surface and x1= is the liquid gas interface.


Transport Phenomena

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