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Strattonville News
-Bringing Real Life to LearningNovember 21 -24: No School: Fall Break November 29:


Whats New
Already, No vem ber has been a wo nderfu l mo nt h in St ratt on ville! W eve had man y first s t o brag abo ut . O ur fir st St rat to nv ille Cit y Co un cil m eet in g has been held where there were discu ss io ns of a f oo d or clo thing drive leadin g up t o t he ho lidays . We ve had o ur first mark et days where vent u res o pen ed an d stu dents wer e able to cash t heir hard-earned paychecks a nd see what their clas sm ates hav e been wo rking o n. W e kicked off a new schoo lwide pro ject , Pennies fo r Past a, whic h is a cam paign to collect m o ney to don ate t o Leuk em ia r es earch. All in all, it has been a very pr odu ctive mo nt h, and pro mises t o con tinue to be! Stu dent s have been hard at wo rk develo ping their v ent ure s miss io n st atem ent, lit eracy go als, an d s trat egizin g o n how t o decor ate their ven tu re. Ano t her m ajo r fo cu s fo r the m on th of Nov ember has been the s eco nd o f St ev en Co v ey s 7 Habits o f Highly Ef fective People; begin wit h the end in mind. This habit of beginning with the end in mind pro mo tes tho u ght fu l con siderat io n o f what desired en d resu lt is or det ermining t he end go al, an d work in g ou t t he steps necessar y to achiev e t hat desired resu lt or goal. The cit izens of St rat to nv ille hav e been learn in g abou t an d wo rking t o implemen t this habit by sett in g goa ls and determining ho w t o achieve t hose go als , bot h in their hom eroo m clas sro om s, as well as in t heir places o f bu sin ess. The m arriage bet ween ou r leaders hip t hem e and Micro Society co uldn t be co min g alon g bet ter!!!

Ernst & Young Leadership Presentation

Student Managers & Bookkeepers will be invited to a leadership presentation conducted by UofI Business Council Students in cooperation with Ersnt & Young

November 30: Covey/PBIS Celebration

monthly PBIS initiative and Novembers Covey habit: Begin with the end in mind. School-wide assembly where we are going to celebrate our

December 14: Strattonville Fine Arts Festival

5-6 pm Art Gallery: Work of 2-5 grade students will be on display 6-7 pm Winter Concert: 2-5 grade students who had music this semester will perform singing & dancing on the stage


FALL 2016

News Continued:
by Kara Greer (Strattonville Parent)
Did yo u k no w that Stratto nville has its ow n w arehouse? Did y ou kn ow that all of the ventures c an purc ha se o r ren t supplies that thy need to succ essfully run their business? This wa reho use wa s set up a nd organ ized with the help of the IDEA store in Champaig n. Carol J o M organ (fro m the IDEA Store), Priscilla Putman (Stratto nville A rt Teac her), an d M ichelle Washin gto n (Strat ton ville PE Teacher) have w orked hard to co llec t, o rga nize, and invento ry all the items that might be needed by the ven tures. They are no w foc using their at tention on maintaining t hat goo d organ ization and train in g vo lunt eers to help o ut. I had the go od fortune o f vo lun teerin g in the warehouse last w eek. After Caro l Jo gave me a brief orientatio n, I w as able to fill an d o rder o f rent ed w ig s fo r the Karao ke Caf. I w as also able to help some studen ts from t he Phot o Studio a nd the 2 n d A ct Talent Compan y as they loo ked at an d priced so me item s that they m ight w ant fo r t heir ventures. It w as fun to see ho w the studen ts and ventures w ere usin g the warehouse! A nd the goo d organization set up by Caro l Jo , Priscilla, an d Michelle made it easy fo r me to step in an d help even tho ugh I had no previous experience! If yo u have a n hour or two available during t he w eek, the w arehouse c ould use your help! Y ou can fill orders, stoc k shelves, and help students. I really enjoy ed helpin g o ut an d bein g able to see the inside wo rkings of the w areho use an d the ven tures that use it. Plea se co nsider volunteering fo r this god cause. An d feel free to c on tact me at ak greer@co o r 355 -137 7 if yo u have furt her questio ns abo ut volunteerin g in the wa reho use.

MicroSociety Warehouse:

What is your expertise?

This year at Stratton, we are very interested in getting community and Strattonville family experts into the classroom and school. The goal is to have a mentor for EVERY venture and agency. What does a venture/agency mentor do you ask??? There are many ways; here are a few: Share expertise Model job-specific techniques Donate real-world materials Invest in their community by investing in education

1. Websites: on a computer OR smartphone

www .str att on ville .or g

-Ways to stay connected-

We want Strattonville students to

learn about & experience as many different kinds of jobs, unique skills, hobbies, talents, etc. as possible.
If yo u h ave an

Th is site is all a bo ut o ur m ag net th eme . Ther e is a M eet the Staff page tha t ha s ph otos and interesting info rm ation abo ut o ur sta ff. Ther e is al so a fo r um for qu estio ns, a nd topics for discussion .

e xpe rtis e that to share, please

you wo uld li ke

www .champaignsc hoo ls.o rg/ st rat to n

Th is site do esnt h ave m uch info r ma tio n and isnt very inter active. Ther e IS ho wever , contact infor ma tio n and a list o f faculty and staff.

co ntac t S ite

Co ordi nato r,

Charles West @ or 217-373-7330

2. Twitter follow us at st ra tto nville@twitt er 3. No Internet or smartphoneN O P ROB LE M:

stop in , chat, an d pi ck up the latest n ews J

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