Notice To Shareholders - Interest On Capital Payment On 03.10.2011

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BolsadeValores,MercadoriaseFuturos TheBrazilianStock,CommoditiesandFuturesExchange
BrazilianFederalTaxpayer(CNPJ)No.09.346.601/000125 CommercialRegistryEnrollment(NIRE)No.35.300.351.452

NOTICETOSHAREHOLDERS BM&F BOVESPA S.A. Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros (Company) announces to shareholdersthat,asaresultoftheexerciseofcertainvestedoptionsrelatedtotheCompany Stock Option Plan, as well as the buyback of Companys shares pursuant to the Buyback ProgramapprovedattheBoardofDirectorsMeetingheldonDecember16,2010,theamount per share of interest on shareholders equity distributed to shareholders pursuant to a decision of the Meeting of the Board of Directors held on February 17, 2011, has been adjustedtoR$0.02546061248(representingnetamountofR$0.02164152061)pershare,from R$0.02545310415 (net amount of R$0.02163513853), previously. The net amount per share includesdeductionofwithholdingincometaxleviedoninterestonshareholdersequityatthe rate of 15%, except for shareholders subject to different taxation or tax rate, and for shareholdersexemptfromtaxation. The interest on capital will be paid on March 10, 2011, based on the ownership structure prevailingasofFebruary21,2011,suchthatcommencingfromFebruary22,2011,company sharestradedexinterestoncapital. SoPaulo,February22,2011. EduardoRefinettiGuardia InvestorRelationsOfficer

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