Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting 05 06 2010

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LIGHT S.A. Corporate Taxpayers' ID (CNPJ/MF): 03.378.521/0001-75 Company Registry No. (NIRE): 3.330.026.


EXTRACT OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF LIGHT S.A., HELD ON MAY 6, 2010, DRAWN UP IN SUMMARY FORM, AS PERMITTED BY PARAGRAPH 1 OF ARTICLE 130 OF LAW 6,404/76. 1. Date, time and venue: May 6, 2010, at 10:30 A.M., at Av. Marechal Floriano, n 168, parte, 2 andar, Corredor A, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 2. Attendance: The Board members, Ana Marta Horta Veloso, Carlos Roberto Teixeira Junger, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Firmino Ferreira Sampaio Neto, Luiz Carlos Costeira Urquiza, Srgio Alair Barroso, Chairman of the meeting, Carlos Alberto da Cruz, Elvio Lima Gaspar and Maria Silvia Bastos Marques, as well as the alternate members in office, Fernando Henrique Schuffner and Lauro Alberto De Luca. The following alternate members also participated but did not take part in the voting: Joo Procpio Loures Vale, Luiz Fernando Rolla, Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Guedes, Ricardo Simonsen, Almir Jos dos Santos and Carmen Lcia Claussen Kanter. Patricia Veiga Borges, lawyer, was invited to act as the secretary. 3. Agenda and Resolutions: 3.5. Acquisition of Interest - Axxiom Solues Tecnolgicas S.A. The Board of Directors unanimously approved the acquisition of 3,672,000 (three million, six hundred seventy-two thousand) registered, common shares of Axxiom Solues Tecnolgicas S.A. (Axxiom), representing 51% of the companys total and voting capital, held by Concert Technologies S.A., FIR Capital Partners Ltda., Leme Engenharia Ltda. and Nansen S.A. Instrumentos de Preciso, for R$3,819,349.00 (three million, eight hundred nineteen thousand, three hundred forty-nine reais) (base date of November 2009), by signing a Private Instrument of Transfer of Shares for Consideration and Other Covenants, in accordance with the attached draft, with the financial settlement conditioned on the rescission of the current shareholders agreement and execution of a new shareholders agreement. This operation complies with the limits set forth in Article 256 of Law 6,404/76, with regard to the shareholders equity of Axxiom on December 31, 2009.

This is a free English translation of the extract of the Minutes of the Companys Board of Directors Meeting held on this date.

Rio de Janeiro, May 6, 2010

Patricia Veiga Borges Secretary

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