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LIGHT S.A. Corporate Taxpayers ID (CNPJ/MF): 03.378.521/0001-75 COMPANY REGISTRY (NIRE): 33.300.263.

16-1 Publicly-Held Company MATERIAL FACT Light S.A. (Company), pursuant to CVM Rule 358 of January 3, 2002, hereby announces to its shareholders and the market in general that, in association with the operation announced to the market on February 10, 2012, its wholly-owned subsidiary Light Energia S.A. (Light Energia) has executed on this date the Final Declaration of Conclusion (Declaration of Conclusion) with Investminas Participaes S.A. (Investminas) referring to the acquisition of twenty-six million, five hundred twenty thousand (26,520,000) type A common shares of Guanhes Energia S.A. (Guanhes Energia), corresponding to fifty-one percent (51%) of interest in its capital stock, for twenty-six million, five hundred eighty-six thousand, two hundred nineteen reais and fifteen centavos (R$26,586,219.15). As a result of the execution of the Declaration of Conclusion, the First Amendment to Guanhes Energia's Shareholders' Agreement was also executed and filed at the headquarters of Guanhes Energia, having Investminas, Light Energia and Cemig Gerao e Transmisso S.A. (which holds 49% of Guanhes Energias capital stock) as parties, and Guanhes Energia as the consenting intervening party, so as to provide for Investminas's exit from and Light Energia's admission into the terms and conditions of the Shareholders Agreement.

Rio de Janeiro, August 28, 2012

Joo Batista Zolini Carneiro Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer

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