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The Magnet Connector

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2


Strattonville Political Process

Spotlight: Stratton Leadership & MicroSociety

Champaign Unit 4 Magnet Programs offer innovative programming and engaging student learning opportunities. This month we are spotlighting Stratton Leadership & MicroSociety magnet school. The magnet theme at Stratton s a combination of Stephen Covey Leadership and MicroSociety, where students have voice and choice in the electoral process and in their participation in Strattonville government and society. Stratton students are being trained to be future leaders!

Curriculum Spotlight: Covey Leadership Stratton Teachers Talk About the Magnet

Newly elected Strattonville officials

Strattonville venture managers meet with U of I Business Council Students to discuss business ethics and advertising

Meet the 4 New Mayor: Khyaira Jones

Photo Shop employees working

MicroSociety Ventures & Agencies

Dept. of Economic Growth and Quality Control working as a team to create advertisement standards

Stationary Shop employee & CoFacilitator working on making cards for sale

Rainbow Crafts collaborating in teams to develop ideas for merchandise

Rainbow Craft employees discussing their ventures mission and establishing their goals

Potential employee interviewing for the 21st Century Digital Media Center

Strattonville Treasury employees discussing vocabulary and potential product ideas

4th Graders exercising their right to vote in Strattonvilles City Council General Election


What are Stra on Students Saying?

Its cool. I get to meet new people and try new things. I know I wouldnt have go en this job if I hadnt done well in my inter- view. I also

The Political Process at Strattonville

In Stra onville, students learn about the poli cal process by experiencing it rst hand. Students who are interested in running for one of the elected posi ons must le an Intent to Run form prior to campaigning. This form requires a wri en explana on of why they would be a good candidate. The form also requires students to get signatures of several Stra onville adult sponsors as well as 10 student signatures. Once the intent forms have all been turned in, students a end several Campaign Classes where they learn about crea ng campaign posters, campaign ethics, and public speaking. The students have a two week window to create and display their campaign posters. Meanwhile, student candidates work on composing speeches that are delivered to peers during their lunch periods leading up to the Primary Elec on. Once the primary elec on date arrives, the Champaign County Clerks Oce graciously provides ballots for every student ci zen and votetabula ng machines. Stra onville ci zens narrow the candidates down to two and the following week, we have our general elec on. Once the elec on results are in, we honor and celebrate the winning candidates and swear them in during the Stra onville Inaugura on. Stra onville has a City Council made up of representa ves from grades 1-5 along with an elected Council Secretary, Chief Crime Stopper, and Stra onville Mayor.

Curriculum Spotlight:
Micro University Students Working

Covey Leadership at Stratton

The Leader in Me is a process for school-wide transforma on that is designed to enhance students life skills and workforce readiness. The process also directly impacts sta eec veness and engagement, and creates a safe and vibrant learning environment. Indirectly, families, communi es, and workplaces also benet. In short, The Leader in Me process involves: 1) Franklin Covey training the en re school sta in basic leadership principles, including Dr. Stephen R. Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Eec ve People. 2) The sta then takes the 7 Habits and other leadership principles to students by embedding the principles into classroom lessons, hall displays, and school-wide ac vi es and systems. Furthermore, students and sta are given opportuni es to apply the principles by taking on leadership roles. 3) Students take the principles home and into the community. With most sta members trained in the 7 Habit of Highly Eec ve People, instructors are introducing one Habit a month to the students. Instruc on in the Habits occurs during our MicroSociety block, these habits are prac ced throughout the day. As students exhibit the trait or habit, they are recognized by sta. In addi on, students are nominated by their peers as Leaders. Pictures of our Leaders are taken and hung on grade level Habit Trees. Monthly assemblies are scheduled to share celebra ons with the MicroSociety Community. Our goal is to help students gain the skills needed to be leaders, improve academic achievement, and raise the level of student accountability.

Its FUN! I love working at the bank and coun ng the money! Its cool because it gets me ready for when I have to take care of myself and get a read job.








From the Mouths of Teachers...

Dana Antonelli, Stra on Teacher
their own lives, and my students have really enjoyed the stories and ac vi es. Why did you want to be a part of the magnet program at Stra on? I wanted to be part of the magnet program because I like the connec ons the MircoSociety program creates for students between learning at school and real-world skills. The idea of students applying math, reading, wri ng, problem solving, and communica on skills to their own ventures and agencies that mirror real-world organiza ons really appealed to me. throughout their lives.

Ma hew Trueblood Stra on Teacher

What is the biggest change that you've experienced since Stra on became a magnet school? Since Stra on became a magnet school, a big change for me has been working with students from dierent grades and dierent classes. Having students of dierent ages learn to work together has made me feel more like we are part of one school community, rather than feeling like dierent grades and classes are isolated from each other. What has been the most exci ng opportunity that you've been aorded because of Stra on's magnet status? I am so excited to have the resources from The Leader in Me program in the classroom. I love that students are learning to think of themselves as the leaders of

What has been the most exci ng opportunity that you've been aorded because of Stra on's magnet status? The most exci ng opportunity is the ability to create something new. We are star ng something What benets do you see in that no one else has done in your students as a result of the Champaign. We have been magnet program at Stra on? collabora ng with people from I think my students see more of a outside of connec on between what they the district and other schools to do in school and their future lives get a framework. It has been because of MicroSociety. My exci ng to see the whole thing second grade students have come together. discussed the skills they are learning and what careers they Why did you want to be a part might pursue in the future that of the magnet program at will u lize those skills. They have Stra on? also discussed the skills that When I was hired, I was everyone needs to be successful. a racted to MicroSociety, For example, they have all because of the opportunity to wri en resumes and they teach students about the real understand that everyone has to world. I feel that in this be able to write clearly in order posi on I am able to be er to apply for a job. I think prepare students for postdeveloping this awareness now educa on life, at an early age. will be benecial to them


A Word From MicroSocietys President and CEO Carolynn King Richmond Education should be empowering. It should point us to our strengths, our capacity. That is what every parent wants for their child: to be encouraged, challenged, to get along with others, and to have enough opportunities in a variety of settings to find their way to success.

Strattonvilles New Mayor: Khyaira Jones

Why did you run for mayor of Stra onville? I ran for mayor to make Stra onville a be er place. What do you hope to change at Stra onville? I want to stop the he said, she said stu and to stop bullying. What kind of leader do you hope to be? Why? I want to lead people to do the right thing, even when its not what other people are doing. I want to make Stra onville a place where someone can achieve anything they want to. What kind of society do you want Stra onville to be? Why? I want Stra onville to be a be er place than what it already is. What do you want to be when you grow up? How will being mayor of Stra onville help you with this goal? I want to be a lawyer and being mayor can help me learn how to listen to others, speak in front of people, go to mee ngs, and work on a team.

Mayor Khyaira Jones





Stratton Ventures & Agencies

Stra onville Gi Shop Second Act Talent Company Scales and Tales Rep le Zoo 84 Leadership Store Micro Stem University Stra onville Post Oce Stra onville Bank 21st Century Digital Media Center Stra onville Treasure Dept. Of Economic Growth & Quality Control Stra onville Peace Ocers Stra onville Taxi Service Math Games Photo Studio Rainbow Cra s Micro Ac vity Center Blue Crew Karaoke Caf Knits & Needles BFF Jewelry JJ Baskets




Mrs. Young Mr. McDaniel Mr. Lee Ms. Appleby Ms. Newman Ms. Snyder Ms. Crosse Mr. Trueblood Mrs. Uppinghouse Mr. Rose Mrs. Antonelli Ms. Eggert

Rashayla Chaney David Laby Emi Loucks Miho Ando Peter Lee Noga Adar Diamond Walker Allyjah Hanse Sam Schultz Michael Caldwell

Ms. Bowles Harris Mrs. Neal Ms. Ozier Housely Ms. Shin Mrs. Travers Ms. McGuire Ms. Bates Mrs. Lee Mr. Gratkins Mr. Gratkins Ms. Crosse

Amari Houston & Dontavious Kelly Mya Hill Tamoya Sykes Skyla Smith Tyliah Butler Mariah Smith Jayden Wilson Autumn Wallis Jenna Lee & Cayla Reisinger India Human Khyaira Jones Najaya Bailey

Champaign Unit 4 Magnet Programs are funded by the federal Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) grant. Each cycle of the grant runs for three years and is managed by a Project Director. The purpose of the grant is to increase student

Champaign Unit 4 Magnet Programs

achievement, diversity, and to ensure magnet program sustainability.

Mellon Administrative Center 703 S. New Street Champaign, IL 61820 Phone: 217-373-7359 Fax: 217-351-3871 Web:

If you would like more information about our magnet programs, please contact Cheryl Camacho, Director of Magnet Programs/ MSAP Project Director, at or at 217.373.7359
Like us on Facebook for regular updates about our magnet programs!

Stra on Leadership & MicroSociety Magnet School has a unique learning environment that includes six strands:

Technology Academy Humani es & Art Ci zenship & Government Economy HEART (giving back to society) For More Informa on on Leadership & MicroSociety at Stra on: h p://www.stra

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