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DOT NET Language on VB.

Net and C#
It is a platform or collection of many small technologies integrated as a single large technology for developing powerful applications which can be used anywhere and anytime.

The definition of the .NET is doesnt specified by the MICROSOFT, but some of the people abbreviated as NETWORK EXTENDED TECHNOLOGY or NETWORK ENABLED TECHNOLOGY. The dot represents about the extension...

Fig.1:.Net Framework 2.0

Now we shall get into the deeper concepts of the .net Frame work by specifying each and every concept in detail... Languages: These are used for developing an application of any type. Eg: C#,VB.Net etc., Compilers: These are used to Compile the applications developed using a language for generating the native code of machine i.e., system Eg: CSC,VBC, etc., To understand frame work technology we should understand the following: COMMON LANGUAGE SPECIFICATION: It is a specification provided by the .Net Frame work that should be followed by the language which targets the .Net technology.

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