Appropriate Methodology

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Appropriate Methodology

Hue College of Foreign Languages Department of English Appropriate Methodology Instructor: Associate Prof. Ph.D. Le Pham Hoai Huong Student: Le Thi Thanh Phuoc

Topic: THERE IS NO ONE BEST METHOD AND NO ONE METHOD THAT IS BEST FOR A PARTICULAR CONTEXT (Prahu, 1990, cited in McKay, 2002, p.116) One of the new teaching methods, especially the communicative approach to language teaching is well-proven effectiveness. As language teachers, they always look for an effective method in classroom because they need to use the most effective methods in teaching so that they can help their learners to understand and get information better in learning. There are a lot of arguments if there is one best method or not. It is surprising while some people think some of methods are the best and some of them think the same methods are boring and useless. What is the correct answer? According to Prabhu (1990, cited in McKay, 2002, p.116) stated that there is no one best method and no one method that is best for a particular context According to Prabhu (1990), lists of some main factors influencing language teaching methods, which are circumstances, purposes, social situation, education organization, teacher-related factors and learners-related ones. I completely agree with the view that there is no one best method and no one method that is best for a particular context. In fact, I think that there is no one best method; each has potential outstanding points and even limitation. I

Appropriate Methodology
will show some possible explanations to explain the statement why there is no one best method. Firstly, choosing of the suitable language teaching method depends on the social situation such as language policy, language environment, linguistic and cultural attitudes, economic and ideological factors. If the government has the language policy that requires learners to master the grammar points, the Grammar-Translation will be considered the best method. However, the communicative approach will become the best method in this case if the society needs competent language communicators. So the societys needs also influence to the way of language teaching. Secondly, learners-related factors, namely, aspiration, age, previous learning experience, attitudes to learning, motivation, learning styles, are the major ones. For a teaching method to work, it has to be appropriate for both the students and the teacher and even for the subject matter as well. As we know, students are very different from one another. Different students like to learn in different ways, so it is difficult to impose the same method for learners. In addition, it is common for class of students to be good at a variety of levels in any particular subject. For example, some respond well to do things, others respond better to being told things. There are so many different learning styles and personalities that go into being the teacher are the learner. The different learners possess different learning styles including aural learners who learn well by hearing things, visual learners who learn better by reading or looking pictures. Therefore, as a language teacher, in a lesson, we can not use only

Appropriate Methodology
pictures to teach, which is not unsuitable for aural learners. It is better when we combine various methods to ensure that our lesson activities are suitable for various learning styles. I have found through experience that the best teaching method is to include many strategies to reach all learners, model and practice a lot with students, make their learning meaningful and relevant, and review skill and drill. A method is considered the best if it is applied in conformity with the direct learners. In my opinion, my students love the variety of teaching methods. I realize that a good teacher is the one who can adjust his teaching methods for the needs of his students as his teaching strengths best allow. Also, it is not always possible or appropriate to apply the same methodology to all learners, who have different objectives, environments and learning needs. Specially, learners also differ from others in term of motivation. Some learn language to pass an exam or to get a good job; others study to integrate themselves to the second language community, etc. Therefore, teachers can not make all of the students learn with the method they think it is the best one. I think if teachers teach best, students will learn best. Hence, with each learners purpose, teachers should investigate and find out the most appropriate teaching method for their students so that they can achieve the goals they set beforehand. Moreover, teacher-related factors like status, training, belief, autonomy, skill also have an effect on choosing the appropriate teaching method. Different teachers have different strengths and different likes. It is better for different teachers to teach in the ways that are compatible with their skills and their

Appropriate Methodology
teaching styles. It is difficult to use methods which they are not good at. In addition, language teachers must be culturally conscious to the point of researching ethnic diversity and differences. Besides, some young teachers often use the new method, especially communicative method; they think it is necessary for their students. However, some older teachers who use GrammarTranslation want their students to pass the final exam at high school. According to Edwin (2008) posted different people might have different best method. It is true that some methods tend to work better than others for large sample groups. But when it comes to the individual I dont think that there is any one language teaching method that is best for two people. It is very individual and everyone has to find his way. I think it is good to take little bits of lots of different methods to make ones one. An experienced professional language teacher always adopts various methods, deciding on the most suitable technique and applying the most appropriate methodology for that learners specific objectives, learning style and context. Finally, the explanation for the view Why there is no best method is that because all methods are partially true or valid. No methods is absolutely true. Each method exposes its strengths and weaknesses. Taking some examples from methods we have studied to analyze. With TranslationGrammar method, we see that this method requires students translate one language written in the target language to another. This helps them study grammar including grammar rules and examples. This method emphasis on vocabulary and grammar, reading and writing are the primary skills that

Appropriate Methodology
students work on. However, there is less attention given to speaking. There is little student initiation and student interaction. Students become more passive in learning. The direct method emphasizes that the students native language should not be used in the classroom. Students need to associate meaning and the target language directly. Language is primary spoken not written, oral communication is seen as basic. That can be seen as strong points of this method. However, I think that using method will be a big challenge for poor students in process of decoding target language into native language. The above methods are just typical examples to prove that all methods are partially true, no method is completely perfect. In conclusion, the needs of the learners and flexibility are required to accommodate different interests, different social backgrounds personalities and

learning needs of the students. It is better if they move beyond ideology to

inquiry to avoid the inappropriateness uses of methods, while benefiting from them at the same time. We should find some efficient methods to learn languages, but there are many of them, using some methods that we find interesting. There is no need to spend time looking for which one is the best. It is much better for local language educators to combine different methods after taking into account the social situation, their learner-related factors. The language teaching reality has proved that there is no one best method all the time. In each particular context, local educators will decide what is the best language teaching method and what method is considered the most appropriate ones for learners.

Appropriate Methodology
1. Brown. (1994z0. Principles of language learning and teaching: Prentice

Hall Regents
2. Davies, P. & Pearse, E. (2000). Success in English teaching: OUP 3. Prehbu, N.S. (1990). There is no best method Why? TESOL

QUYTERLY, 24/2,161-176 4. Larsen-Freeman, D. (1998). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press

1. Communicative competence 2. Factors affecting speaking abilities
3. Kang, S. (2006). Developing adult EFL students speaking abilities
4. Developing speaking activities

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