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Welcome to KidZone Childcare Center We are pleased that you have chosen to become a member of our staff.

We employ each person to work as part of our team. We hope that your time with us will be rewarding in terms of being a part of childrens lives and part of a new team. Your success and the success of The KidZone Childcare Center is dependent on team effort. Philosophy and Goals The continuous goal of KidZone Childcare Center is to provide quality care and education for children in a loving, learning, and nurturing environment. In order to accomplish this task we depend upon the cooperation of a competent, educated, devoted and nurturing staff. A thriving childcare environment exhibits enthusiasm, friendship, support and a sharing between staff members regardless of their position. Parents feel comfortable knowing a childcare center provides not only support, but also expertise and a willingness to go the extra mile for children and families. Equal Opportunities KidZone Childcare Center will not discriminate on the basis of color, sex, race, religion, origin or handicap. Personnel Records All forms required by state licensing rules such as staff record form, physical exam, record of experience, and education training including documentation, records of in-service training, and orientation confirmation will be kept in the employees file. Forms required by KCC, such as employment application, I-9 form, tax deduction, performance evaluations, verbal and written warnings, reports outlining circumstances for disciplinary action, request off forms, along with any other necessary forms will also be kept in the employees file. If for any reason we find that anything in your file has been falsified you will be terminated. Professional Development and Behavior How adults work together impacts childrens lives. The following guidelines provide a framework to enhance professional development and keep the focus of all staff and behavior professional, respectful and as always with the children and families in mind. Probationary Period- All employees upon hire will have a ninety-day probationary period. During this time you may be terminated for any reason. At the discretion of the administrator anyone can be put on probation for any reason. Employees will be informed in writing if you are put on a probationary period. If you are put on probation for any reason you will lose vacation and holiday pay during the period of time you are on probation. Schedules- All employees are required to arrive for their shift on time and be committed to stay until the teacher/child ratio is within legal limits in accordance with the state of Wisconsin. Compensation/ Benefits- All employees will be paid hourly on the basis of their education, experience and work performance. Employee will be paid bi-weekly on Fridays. A review will be made on an annual basis. The Director may give additional reviews to reward and encourage outstanding work.

Full time employees are eligible for vacation/sick pay after one full year of employment. 1-2 years= 5 vacation/sick days 3-5 years= 10 vacation/sick days 5 or more years= 15 vacation/sick days Additional vacation time will be considered, without pay, if proper arrangements are made with the Director. If you quit or are terminated before you take your vacation you will NOT be paid for it. Holiday Pay- The following holidays are observed by KCC; New Years Eve, New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and the Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. You will be paid for the Holidays we are closed. To be eligible for holiday pay you must work full time, complete your ninety-day probation period, you must be available to work your entire shift the day prior to the holiday and your entire shift the day after the holiday. If the center closes due to weather or unforeseen circumstances, employees will not be paid unless they choice to use a vacation day. Breaks- Employees will have the opportunity to take a break during their shift. Employees may be required to stay in the building for their breaks depending on staff needs. If an employee leaves the center for their break or for any other reason they must clock out. Overtime- Overtime will be paid at 1 times the hourly wage for hours worked over 40 per week. Requesting Time off- It is required that you give a two week notice when time off is needed off. If time is needed off please fill out a request off form and submit it to the Director. When a date is requested off we will make every effort to meet that request. Time off request will be honored on a first come, first served basis. Only one staff member may be off at a time. We cannot guarantee that you will get the requested day off. Please schedule Doctor Appointments before or after your shift if possible. Calling in Sick- When an employee is unable to report to work it is required that you call the director at least two hours prior to your shift. If you know prior to the two hours contact the Director as soon as possible. You have a maximum of one call in per four-week period. If you are sick more than one time in a four-week period a Doctors note may be required before you may return to work. Calling in sick may affect all employee raises and evaluation. Abuse of sick time could lead to termination. Grievance Procedure- Grievance Procedures will be handled on an individual basis. The Director will discuss recommendations with the staff member to resolve issues. Leave of absence- Staff members may request a leave of absence for a family illness, a death in the family, or personal problems. The director must approve the leave of absence. During the leave of absence, the employee will not be paid. You will be asked to sign a formal request outlining the agreement.

Professionalism- All staff is required to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Professionalism is required when dealing with other staff, children, parents and any other persons you may deal with as a representative of KCC. If you are being unprofessional you will be asked to stop. If it continues you will be written up and sent home without pay. If it happens again you will be terminated. Insubordination- All staff is to be subordinate in every way as it relates to working at KCC when dealing with management and persons in charge. If it is found that you are insubordinate you will be asked to stop. If it continues you will be written up and send home. If it happens again you will be terminated. Resignations- A two-week written notice is required of employees who choose to discontinue employment with KidZone Childcare Center. The notice should be made in writing to the Director. Any Paychecks received after employment has ended will be mailed. Background Checks Upon hire, the director will submit a background check for each employee. We are required to terminate any individual whose background check comes back with a record that is recognized by the state as unacceptable to work in childcare. Background checks will be done every four years or as the Director deems appropriate. As required by the state, in the event you have a record that is recognized by the state as unacceptable to work in childcare, you will be terminated at that time. If at any time during your employment you are being investigated or have been convicted of a crime you must notify KCC the next time you work. Registry Beginning January 1, 1998 each administrator, center director, and childcare teacher hired at a center shall obtain a certificate from the registry of the from the registry of the Wisconsin early childhood professional recognition system within three months after assuming the position and evidence of meeting the education and experience qualifications. KCC will submit the paperwork and pay the fee to receive the certificate from the registry for all the positions listed above. If the registry needs more information or a renewal they will send you a letter or card stating what they need. This card or letter will give you a time frame in which to respond. If for any reason the response is not given in the time frame and the employee is responsible for the delay the fee will become the responsibility of the employee. All letters and card must be given to the director for renewal. Dress Code We are professionals; therefore appearance is very important. Employees who are on the clock are representing KCC. It is required that you dress in a neat, clean fashion. Employees should bath daily, keep hair neat and clean, and keep nails trimmed to an appropriate length and use moderate make-up if you choose to wear make-up. Clothing with holes, stains, or inappropriate sayings or pictures will not be tolerated. If you come to work wearing clothes that are inappropriate you will be send home to change. Obnoxious hair colors will not be tolerated. Visible tattoos and piercings (other than ears) will need to be removed or covered.

Phone Calls Staff is not permitted to use the phone when working unless it is an emergency or a parent needs to be called. Staff should not receive phone calls unless it is an emergency. Messages will be taken for inbound calls so as not to interfere with classroom time. You may return phone calls or ask to use the phone when you are on your break. Cell phones are not to be used in classroom. Smoking Smoking is not permitted anywhere on KCC property. Remember you are an example to the children. Please do not allow the children to see you smoking or hear that you are going outside to smoke. If you do go outside to smoke you must spray yourself with fragrance and wash your hands before returning to work. Drugs/Intoxicants You will be terminated from your position if you are found with illegal drugs or alcohol on KCC property. KCC reserves the right to ask staff members to take a drug test, at any time, at the cost of the company. If it comes back that you have drugs in your system you will be terminated. Disciplining Children Guidance and discipline should be applied in a positive way that helps children grow and does not humiliate them. Caregivers that use positive ways of disciplining children generally provide higher quality care. At KCC we follow a specific guideline to discipline children. Spanking, Ridiculing, slapping, profane language, pushing, spitting, pulling hair, name-calling and threatening children are grounds for immediate termination. What follows is the method of discipline expected to be followed at KidZone Childcare Center. 1. Remind the child of the rule 2. Redirect the child 3. Redirect the child again 4. Have the child take a time-out. The length of the time-out shell not exceed, in minutes, the age of the child. No child under the age of three will be given a time-out. 5. Remove the child from the room and calmly explain the rules to him/her 6. Ask the Director for help Continuing Education Each full time staff member is required, by state licensing rules, to complete twenty-five hours of continuing education per year. Part time employees are required to complete fifteen hours per year. Documentation of continuing education must be kept on file at the center. The Director will assist staff members by offering a list of ways to complete the required continuing education. Failure to meet these standards can result in termination. All staff members are required to have CPR and First Aid Training along with a bi-annual training in child abuse and neglect.

All persons who do not have the required training for their position must complete their training by the end of six months of employment.

Physicals/TB Tests By Wisconsin Statues, each staff member is required to obtain a physical and T.B. test within 30 day of employment. The cost of the T.B. test and the physical are the expense of the employee. Failure to do so will result in suspension from work. Parent Policy Manual All staff members are required to read and follow the rules states in the parent manual. A Copy of the parent policy manual is available at the center. Failure to do so could lead to termination. Wisconsin Statues All staff members must read and follow the rules in the Wisconsin Statues Manual for licensed childcare centers. A copy of the manual is available at the center. Failure to do so could lead to termination. Orientation Upon hire, the Director will conduct an orientation for each new staff member. The following will be included in orientation: review of childcare licensing book, training in emergency procedures, including first aid, SIDS training, training in recognition of childhood illnesses, child management techniques, review of center policies, job responsibilities, schedule of activities, and review of child abuse and neglect law. Newly hired staff should ask questions about KidZone Childcare Center at that time and feel comfortable about his/her job description. Accountability Employees must account for all the children in their group at all times. At all times employees should know how many children are in their care, their whereabouts and what they are doing. Staff members will be responsible for signing children in and out on their roster. Schedules Full time staff will have a regular weekly schedule. Schedules are subject to change due to enrollment and staffing. If you fail to show up or call for you shift you have voluntarily resigned. All staff understands that we may need to have you come in late or leave early due to enrollment. If enrollment is low the director will decide who will leave early. You will not be paid if you come in late or leave early due to low enrollment. Staff Meetings Staff meetings will be held once a month to discuss center policies, issues and updates. All employees are required to attend all of the staff meetings. This is a state requirement. Fire and Tornado Evacuations The evacuation routes for fire and tornado are posted in each room. Make yourself aware of your evacuation route. When evacuating a fire or tornado, teachers must account for all children in your care, take emergency cards and sign in sheets to your designated evacuation area as quickly

as possible. Do not stop to collect childrens or staff items. When you have reached your designated area take a second to count all your children and check your attendance sheets to make sure you have all your children. The director will make a check of all rooms in the center before leaving. Outdoor Play KidZone Childcare Center has a large outdoor play area for the children to play on a daily basis, weather permitting. Teachers are responsible for checking the play area for broken toys, garbage or any other hazardous material on a daily basis. Children must be supervised very closely outside to prevent any injury or accidents. T.V/Movies Staff may use the television to play movies periodically. Children must not be forced to watch movies. Staff is required to have other options for the children when movies are being played. If the use of movies is being abused, the television will be removed from the center. Universal Precautions The center staff will adopt universal precautions when exposed to blood or blood containing body fluids. All staff exposed to blood or blood containing fluids and tissue shall wash their hands immediately with soap and warm running water. Single use disposable gloves shall be worn if there is contact with blood containing fluids or tissues. Hands shall be washed with soap and water after removal of gloves. Gloves shall be discarded in plastic bags. Center staff will disinfect floors, walls, bathrooms, changing tables, and other areas that have been exposed to vomit, urine, feces, blood or other bodily fluids. Confidentiality All staff is required by state licensing rules to keep childrens, parents and other staff issues in the strictest of confidence. If for some reason you break this confidence you will be subjecting yourself to termination and litigation. Job Descriptions All staff is required to complete and follow their job description and responsibilities. In addition to the assigned job descriptions, all staff is required to complete any additional task assigned by the Director.

Director Qualifications- The person selected for this position must possess the educational qualifications of a director as outlined by the state requirements. This person must be able to maintain a professional attitude towards the children, the families, and the staff at all times. The Director must be able to communicate professionally and openly. This person will have a thorough understanding of child growth, development and understanding of appropriate programming. This person must be flexible, have good problem solving skills and have sound knowledge of business practices. The director shall be a positive role model, demonstrating the kind of values, attitudes, expectations, beliefs and choices that make our organization a success.

Age requirement- 21 years of age

Job Description Day to day operation of the center All aspects of program development, supervision, and budget Ensure a smooth flow of the program and it adherence to the stated philosophy Overseeing the care, safety, and well being of all children and staff at the center Staff meetings, staff training, and encouragement of continuing education Enrollment, parent conferencing, parent education, and parent involvement All aspects of staffing, scheduling, and supervision of personnel Overall maintenance of building to ensure a safe, clean, and appropriate environment Compliance with codes of all state and local governing agencies: social services, fire, and health departments Networking with the community

Childcare Teacher Qualifications- The person selected for this position must possess the educational requirements of a childcare teacher as outlined by the state Wisconsin. Have an understanding of childrens growth and development and be able to relate well with children. Be willing to fulfill the job responsibilities in accordance with the programs philosophy. This person must be able to maintain a professional attitude toward children, families and the staff at all times and be able to communicate professionally and openly. Age Requirement- 18 years old Responsibilities Maintain prompt hours; notify Director in appropriate amount of time in the event of illness Maintain a neat and clean appearance Work with all staff members in a cooperative manner Attend staff meetings Report problems of child or room management to the director if necessary Maintain continuing education requirements Work to increase skills and knowledge of early childhood education Follow personnel policies of KidZone Childcare Center Job Description Assist the program Director in long term planning with regard to curriculum, the programs philosophy and goals Plan, prepare and implement a curriculum that is appropriate for the age level, skill and social development of the group of children served Complete weekly and daily lesion plans in time for the group and communicate these plans to the assistant teacher Provide a curriculum that helps each child develop to the fullest in each area of development Follow the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Supervise and interact with the children in all areas of the program, outdoors and during field trips away from the program

Maintain an environment that helps each child have a positive experience throughout the school day Treat all children with dignity and respect; allow for individual differences Provide an atmosphere of acceptance and caring for each child Give each child individual attention throughout each day Comfort distress immediately Maintain a clean and orderly classroom Exchange books and toys with new ones on a regular basis Help children establish good habits of toileting and personal hygiene Maintain an open, friendly, and professional relationship with all families Set up conferences at least twice a year or as needed Be familiar with and adhere to the programs policies, state licensing regulations, and emergency procedures; and be ready to implement these if necessary Assist the program director to orient, train, and supervise assistant teachers and substitutes Help assistant teachers and substitutes to maintain a professional attitude toward the program, the children, and the staff, and assist if needed with appropriate communication. Be a good example of professional behavior and appropriate communication at all times

Assistant Childcare Teacher Qualifications- The person selected for this position must possess the educational qualifications of a teacher assistant as outline by the state requirements. This person must be able to maintain a professional attitude toward the children, families, and the staff at all times and be able to communicate professionally and openly. This person will have thorough understanding of child growth and development and an understanding of appropriate programming. This person will be flexible and have good problem solving skills. Age Requirement- 18 years old Responsibilities Maintain prompt hours; notify Director in appropriate amount of time in the event of illness Maintain a neat and clean appearance Work with all staff members in a cooperative manner Attend staff meetings Report problems of child or room management to the director if necessary Maintain continuing education requirements Work to increase skills and knowledge of early childhood education Follow personnel policies of KidZone Childcare Center Job Description Assist the Childcare Teacher with curriculum planning Assist in Planning, preparing and implementing a curriculum that is appropriate for the age level, skill and social development of the group of children served Follow the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Supervise and interact with the children in all areas of the program, outdoors and during field trips away from the program Assist in Maintaining an environment that helps each child have a positive experience throughout the school day Treat all children with dignity and respect; allow for individual differences Provide an atmosphere of acceptance for each child Give each child individual attention throughout each day Comfort distress immediately Maintain a clean and orderly classroom Exchange books and toys with new ones on a regular basis Maintain an open, friendly, professional relationship with all families Help children establish good habits of toileting and personal hygiene Be familiar with and adhere to the programs policies, state licensing regulations, and emergency procedures; and be ready to implement these if necessary


Maintain a professional attitude toward the program, the children, and the staff, and assist if needed with appropriate communication.

I, ____________________________ understand that I am responsible for reading and understanding The Kidzone Childcare Center employee handbook. I agree to follow the suggested guidelines and understand that violation of any of the policies may result in disciplinary action. If I need clarification of any of the above I will contact my Director.

Signed____________________________ Date_______________


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