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LAKE, HISTORY OF THE RI BIOLOGICAL STATION he first action of the "Tennessee Academy of Seience relative to Reelfnot Lake was taken at a meeting of the Fxeeutive Conumittce i the dining room of the Chamber of Coreree of Nashville, February 33, 1923" “There were present at the meeting A. Parkins, presi ‘dent, Reeve Nem. secretary; Wilbur Nelson, FL. A, Webi, and G. TK Mayfelt, ‘ihe commitce arranged for a meeting af the Nashville Section of the Academy to be held at Shacklet’s Restaurant, “the program to consist of 4 sympositin on Reel foot Fake, with talks by Mitt Nelson ont the peokzy of the locality, De, Mayfickd on the Hird life. and the discussion of other features by different speakers; hut to tnaice one of the unain feathres of the programa disenssion of Public Parks, leading tothe ides of a State Park System. “the meeting was held on March 22, 1923, atthe place designated. ‘rhe speakers were Dr, Le C. Glens of geology. De. G. R. Mayfield on bind life, and Mr. Lee Loventhal an "State Parks.” ‘The discus Sions were joined in by Dr. Las P. Browa, Col. Joseph Acklen Mr W.D. Howser, and Me. RS. Madox. A commtiee consisting of Dr. HA. Morgan, Dr. LC. Glemn, and Mr, A. F, Ganier was “ppointed to cooperate with the proper committees of the state Lexis- iature, and with he Governor in efforts for the preservation of Reel foot Lake as a State Parke and also to promote the matter of esta lishing a fresh water biological station at Reelfoo. The committee proposed resolutions reiting that whereas there is a widespread publie desire that Reelfoot Lake and its environs be per~ petuated and properly eared for as a haven for wild life and a State Bark for the enjoyment of the people, and whereas, in years gone by the large amount of revenue predtced by the lake has been used by the state for general expenses; now, therefore, he it resolved: “that Governor Peay of the state of Tennessee be tequested (0 provide inoney from the general finds of the state an from the resources A the Department of Fish and Game to purchase each year consid= rable arnounes of Lard about the lake, the same to consis of « 100 foot strip eatirely aroustd iy aswell a5 large areas of virgin timber (whic stl remain hordering om the fake, order that the ends set, Forth above may eventually be achieved; aud be it further resolved: that the Governor be requested to set aside Fuds for the establish~ tent here of the frst unit of the Biological Station, which shall be for the tse of the educational insttations of the state in the study Of natural science.” These resolutions sigeed hy the members of the Ginmnittee ane approved by the Tennessee Acadewy of Seienee, the Pennessee Fish al Ganie Association, te Tennessee Ornithological vite an the Middle Tennessee Audubon Society, were on June 1 History of the Reclfoot Loke Biological Station mB 1003, submited to the Han, Austin Peay, Governor of the state of Tennessee Covers Peay cing bs canvass in 1924 for resection advocate tinchase et” tans Yor the estaiisnent ofthe Great Sky the sptin Pack ans the Reelfout Lake Parks One paragraph of the weetorar on which he was rimming nexl? "We favor a spten of Fee parks begioning with Reelfont Lake, The slate shod have WM olership of mater with sufficient lands on the shore thereat to tee Tea spend health at pleasure resort for the tse of the pe eran tolselle the annoying question of riparian eights that now ete sate over the se of this Holy of water a the results of the ovettow “the General Assembly of ‘Tennessee of the year 1925 passed “An ‘Act sutorzing and empowering the sate of Fennessee to acquire {hice abvolutes certain fans situated in the sate af Tennestee and Eanes of Fake anton ad jing oo aa ao he Sfores st low-water mark tthe ordinary slags of the lage, navighe He lndy fresh water, known as and named Reelfot Late, sd Eequsion to hecome the absolute property of the state, nd be an dion ands pat ofthe state of Tennesace's ple par, sh and ane preserve GF Keelfoot Lakes also an Act to erente and establish Nmmission toe known asthe ennessce State Park and Forestry Gommission aul define its powters and duties the committe t0 con Sisto four menses appointed by him, ane ftom each grand division tthe sate" The Governor appointed David C. Chapman of Kino Wille. 2 Marka of Tiptonville, and Henry E Colton of Nash Tile Site Rorestry and Park Counssioners; and a Reelfoot Lake Eonnsion consisting of TW, Doty of Pars, Le Pare of Ashe lanl City, and rake. Hall of Dickson. ‘A te annual meeting of the Tennessee Acadeiny of Science, No- yeaiber 27, 1925" Prof Scott Lyon, president, made an adress on owstiis for the Establishment of & Biologia! Staion at Reefoot Take} and fesolitions ‘were adopted asking the Governor andthe ‘ennision to proceel promptly withthe acquisition of lands of pm fan owners at Reelfoot hake for the establishaent of a state-omtied fame preceive and dick scary an bislgial sation ‘The Reelfoot Lake Commission made its fst report to the Gov- raor in Jamtary, 1926, a second report is Aras, 1927, od 3. hied fn" 1900,” Having complete the survey of the Tands to he ieluded ipa ouck ged Pred nearly al of he Fr the tee es foot Lake Comission wat diacharged hy the General Assetbly of 1981 and “complete jurisition and control the lands an prop ered toe aequte adjacent to Reefoot Lake invested in the State Game and Fish Commission tinder the Department of Agee “The extension of the duties of the Game and Fish Connsson to ide supervision OF the pare called for further legislation to de- Vomnat of the Teuersse Acrdeay of Science, 8: 6, 24 Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science fine the new dties sud to authorize the carrying out of special plans to make the pak attractive ant heneficil tthe public. ‘The psycho Togieal tite hal coine for the presentation of the plan for a hiolaical sation nt Reelfoot Lake, so when it was proposed to Seuator W. W Graig, he immediately approved it and proceeded te incorporate i€ 50 the revised yame and fish bill. He secsred the assistance of Senator JS. Riley, Senator Charles Coraelius, Representative Walter $ Diaper ani others, and the result was that a section in this Dill set- ting apart a building and land for the station and the iter in the fniscellaneons appropriation hill relating to ity support passed both ‘hoses with Title OF st oppasition, "Ve paragraph io the fish and game bill reals as follows ‘An the so Game snl Fish Comiskey ig otter directed al reed fo 0 punt to “The Termence Academy of Séiene™ sont suitable baling rgmgiog to the state and Toeted a the snes property aja to Rellok Tet also sh anon of olor real entae acento the Take, Wot 0 hovel fen sare the eatpshmeet of 2 Billa! Station for coying on Siete researc lod and property Yo eae the wang aud Etnita of sta Academy ot Sttnce witout Me pymert of ron or eer 1 Sheng the ste aa for sh tne at ay De ed for sub purpose tthe IM Academy of Seince st keep the same i repair atts cunt expan aul {ohare sane mu yay to fre eh Fee ft ate Topest ot the otc uve ete, and nt enmtrary to te rues aid regulations [omgata hy the std comission frm Tene to time; ad the eal Reueray 2 Si tore to mae sasha amnion me Bee a ypon the titer contin th wen Tt shal clase to be ao ted poses managment, tn eontl of the sane sal eer tthe sid Peateosee Stee Park and rest Comision of its sccesuore Ad ad iumsion i heteby igeisd toner mh soe comme sete Dy eal ‘Foomsee"Ealeny of Scene and fo cooperate i sea selecting ar sting prt come sar sable ie and feston Tor sail purpose and 1 wil Bec tosl remesse Acaity of Seine writen Ieee To si woperty Snaning te eevee aml provinens authorized by this ACE or the support of the Biological Station, the General Assembly male an appropriation inthe following terms: For the Teese Academy of Scene to be expe tof the int au Fish Fun se rete forthe state property avon eeitont Lake by the Bojarmentof sh and Gon wnt te Commastoor of Agssutore, for the Drncit of te Biologal Station of te Sad Tennessee Acaenty of’ Since Pe Uy Said sate poverty on Reef Lake on essary ulin ar ete ean gros ut fo eseeed $2S0000 0 te Tied (0 sch ands Erna alles fro Beelfot Lake™ ‘On August 21, 1931, a committee of the Acacemy selected, with the approval ofan agent appointed by the State Game Warden to aet for it, a piece of lard near the Walnut Log Lodge anv inetuing the Joe Cantillon elebhouse as the location for the Biological Station nd the L2th of Nevember following a survey was mavde of ten acres, Inckading the elubhouse and Tand om hoth sides of Bayou dt Chien, Gn the 22n day of December, 1931, the Department of Rish and Game of the Division of Agriculture’ of the state of Tennessee, by Ticeltaeons and General Appropriation Bil, Yule Bets 1981, 39. History of the Reelfoot Lake Biologicol Station 25 and throvgh Howell Buntin, State Game Warden, feaged the same AEE the establishment of a Biological Station for carrying on scien ‘fe research work to A. Richard Bliss, [r, louis J. Bircher, Join MeGill, Jesse M. Shaver, L. I lesler, John 1.2 Jel. an. Joseph Pesos sees of the Tennessee Academy of Seen, an ther Paocrsanees ov ri Boakp ne Rusts 1981, December 23, Th. Parmau Hall of Vanderbilt Universi ‘resent: Hircher, Shaver, Peterson, MeGil. Jolt MeGii tras clei Secreary-Trensiner of the Board, The following Tesolin oflered ty br, Hircher was aopted ‘That A, Richard Bis Jr Janis B. Tackey, and BecaedC. ‘Turner be const {uted a Local Commie wth A Richard Biss, fre Catenin to stvdy the problen of the immediate needs of tie Reeifont tate lial Station ana he oar of res feport a6 to what should he done ithe way of imposing the Inuing the farishings necessary, aml the scent eaipment medet inching a statement as to‘what the coat ofthese specie items woul be. Tt is understood that no ores are to be aed {or any ofthese improvement until Tey have been approved y the Bord of ‘Prustees, 1932, Febreary 20. Iq. Ferman Hall of Varerile University ‘resent Birches Sven; Peterson, MeGil A prelinoaey re tthe ea nite ok the eatin ake Boa Rition an the mnnutes of a meeting of tt committee eld [Gry 1951 ete pone an acon preee y he eretay-Treanirer for personal expenses incurred on the {7p to Reelfoot Lake last November to get a survey tale of the Stilo site, and fora tecord hack at stationery were approved 1982, April 24) In Walnit Log Lage, Reelfoot Lake. Prescot iis Bircher,Jeks, McGil. “A inimeograpied report of the Locti Commitice presented hy the Chairman, Dr. Biss, wes 2p proved, with certain changes suggested by the Chairman, and the counttee was authorized tough the Chairman to carry ot the plans sated the report wich such changes a8 may ah adviable, expending i Going 59 ot more Han 31,500 00. Te Hoard apjointed an Excentive Comme of the Relfot Lake Bilogien Laboratory to consist of A Richard Bs, Te James Hy Lackey, RichardG. Turner, Jesse M Shaver, Jotu Mech, excofhe, and authorized Dr. ss to act a8 thé Char than af the Committee thrgh whom the covresponence. ac txevotive problems of the faborstary shal be handed. Tver tncmbers of this conte shall consi @ quoter. “Phe flowing resolution offered by J. Metal, was adore Stat the Board of Tiustes of he Reetfoot Lake Biolog fel Station vite te Tennessee State Departmeat of Feue tion, Agrcultave an Pre Hea sumer of uiversitis Sint colleges and selected scielife organizations, etl C0 3p 26 Journal of anessce Aeudemy of Science point one oF more research workers to take part in a physical End hiolngical survey af Teelfoot Lake and ity environs, 0 be fan fume’, T932, each separtinent oF sition to wake seh Provision for expenses as st deems advise and reports of the fork the made tothe trustees.” A. RICHARD ILA, JR CHATRBEAN The 8 the ofice of the Chaiema veeting of the committee was held January 29, 1932, in at the University of Tennessee, Memphis Fig. 4 The Reefoot Lake Biological Taborat A general discussion of the tiling now available at the stati ise stad the following ems were dacessed im deta (1) Repair Ui eepes (2) screening an! repairing of the porches; (3) paiting Of ahlesev the tng C4 rep of at amp (6) ete Halt ao pers) stan of the ings 8) id) alpcttontot soon; (11) possible TMT TLD dormers gpaces (14) outs Professor ume con ing. epainng ad pernting of fhe hiding als the cos eqs Teg Lage to the bil restbaivision of roca space History of the Reelfoot ake Biological Station Ja kitchen, the price of a water pump and the cost of its instal fhe cost of seciring the services of eashy:Ianinwmer a ets OF he bailing, nnd the passbiity of having the gravel rout ex tient balling ad to sed copies to the ater conti mea HEPDoctrs Lacey and His consented to sexy the Bar pl Hiorstory farnitire and equipment ect, sol the placement othe future, The Chana coment te take up the matter of etre current supply with the eletic Habe ant power company He ported that Be ad ct Root the Rel Bick state foundations and funds with the idea of obtaining some finan lal assistance for the development of the sation, It was decided 19 ‘ommmnicate with the Secretary Treastrer of the Tennessee. Academ ‘of Science to learn whet the $2,500.00 appropriation aude by the slate Legislature won be available The second meeting of the conmitee_was, held in Lorlge, Reelfout Lake, on Mazeh 25, 1932. "The Chairman, Dr Richard Biss, J presided. ‘Those present were Prof. RichardG. Turner of the’ University of Tennessee Junior College at Martin, Dr, John L. Jelks of Memphis, Dr. Clarence I. Moore nf West Ten: essee Teachers’ College, Dr. A. Joh Schwarz of the University of Tennesse, Memphis, Senator J. §, Riley of Ridgely, ‘Teun, and Dr

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