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Jonathan Fluker, Arthur Oldakowski and Lorena Magno

What is It?
Christianity is a religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, which are found in the Bible.

History of Christianity
Christianity began approximately 2000 years ago after the death of Jesus Christ.

Connections to Judaism
Jesus, the twelve disciples, and most early Christians were Jewish. Christianity was a sect of Judaism. The old testament of the Christian Bible is very similar to the Jewish/Hebrew Bible.

The Spread of Christianity

Jesus disciples and many other followers, continued to spread his teachings after his death. Emperor Constantine made it legal to practice Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Spiritual Leaders
There are many Spiritual leaders in the Christian religion:
Pope Bishop Priest Minister Deacon Evangelist

Instruction- The Bible

Consists of 4 Gospels 2 In the New Testament 2 In the Old Testament The Old Testament consists of life before Jesus was born, and the New Testament consists of life during the time of Jesus

Christian Values and Ways of Life

The Ten Commandments are a set of laws made by God based on ethical and moral values. The Bible mentions many virtues and characteristics that Christians should uphold. Such as patience, charity, kindness, faithfulness, etc.

Traditions (7 Sacraments)
Baptism symbolizes the abolishing of sins and acceptance into the church Communion receiving the body and blood of Christ Penance confession of ones sins to God for forgiveness Confirmation strengthening ones commitment to the church and God Marriage holy union between a man and a woman Anointing of the sick spiritual healing right before death to prepare for the afterlife Holy Orders Entering priesthood

Holidays and Celebration

Christmas-The celebration of the birth of Christ

Good Friday-The day Jesus was Crucified

Easter-The resurrection of Christ

Pentecost-The day that the disciples of Jesus received the

Holy spirit they were promised by Jesus

Major Denominations of Christianity

Catholic Baptist Methodist Lutheran Presbyterian Protestant Episcopalian Mormon Jehovahs Witnesses Evangelical Seventh Day Adventist

Difference Between Religions

Christianity was one of the first religions that didnt use sacrifices

Similarities in Different religions

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are all Monotheistic Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all have many different prophets

After Death
Christians believe that after death you go to heaven or hell If you repent for your sins you go to heaven If you sin without asking God for forgiveness, you go to hell

Works Cited
"Christianity, The Origins Of Christianity.N.p., n.d. Web. Catechism of the Catholic Church - The Ten Commandments. N.p., n.d. Web. "Christianity. N.p., n.d. Web. "Comparison Table between Christianity, Islam and Judaism. N.p., n.d. Web. "History Of Christianity." N.p., n.d. Web.. "Maps-Christianity. N.p., n.d. Web Nov. 2012maps-christianity.htm. 35 Largest Christian Denominations - Under God in the Pledge N.p., n.d. Web. "What Does the Bible Say about Christian Values and Christian Living? N.p., n.d. Web.

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