Case 12 Menton Bank

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Case 12 Menton Bank STEPS

Three years ago

Appointed a new CEO Mandated him to develop stronger consumer orientation at retail level Began to speed-up the investment in electronic delivery system Replaced large number of ATMs with new models inside branches Along with the renovation program to improve the physical appearance of the branches Continue to make good use of its ATM networks Three branches had been selected for new customer service program New people New job descriptions and job titles Customer assistance representatives (CAR) Customer service representatives (CSR) Customer service director New training programs offering to CSRs & CARs For both Improve communication skills Professional images For CSRs (2 hours) Recognizing and probing customer needs Presenting product features and benefits Overcoming objections Referring customers to CARs For CARs (15 hours) Building a relationship Exploring customer needs Determining a solution Overcoming objections Incentive program for motivation Cash bonus for sales of specify products Earning credits for successful referrals which can exchange gifts (discontinued after three months) Evaluation program with points for CSRs Points allocated to different evaluation criteria Mystery client Points assigned in sales referrals New process and new physical environment Include radical redesign of the branch interior Teller stations offer simple deposits and cashing of approved checks Regular stations to provide full array of services

Build a new management team by CEO

During the past 18 months

A year earlier

Stations were opened based on commercial anticipation and stuff arrangement Platform area in branches were with friendly and professional atmosphere Installed no fewer than 4 new ATMs Set up customer service desks near entrances with two electronic information terminals

In long term, redesign the interior of each branch and close some small branches


Besides the steps changed in retail branches, the bank was trying to develop/improve new financial products, the Internet Banking, Telephone Banking and Cell Phone Banking so as to provide retail customer greater benefits and satisfy their needs. All these changes are made according to 8Ps. For the changes in retail branches, the bank was changing and redesigning on People, Physical evidence and Process. Although, with sufficient results in the three years with these new changes, problems still came with changes. The stick strategy applying on CSRs group dropped the morale among the group. So, when the bank going to apply the new changes in service, he should anticipate the potential problems that would be happen and balance/solve the benefits/conflicts among the bank, customers and employees.

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