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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: Washington High School Your Name or Group Name: Lindsay Davis Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. behavioral Policy resource/infrastructure behavioral Planning resource/infrastructure ADMINISTRATIVE behavioral Budget resource/infrastructure behavioral Administrative Information resource/infrastructure behavioral Electronic Information resource/infrastructure behavioral Assessment resource/infrastructure behavioral CURRICULAR Curriculular Integration resource/infrastructure behavioral Teacher Use resource/infrastructure behavioral Student Use resource/infrastructure behavioral Stakeholder Involvemnt resource/infrastructure behavioral Administrative Support resource/infrastructure SUPPORT behavioral Training resource/infrastructure behavioral Technical/Infrastructure Support resource/infrastructure behavioral Local Area Networking (LAN) resource/infrastructure behavioral District Area Networking (WAN) resource/infrastructure CONNECTIVITY behavioral Internet Access resource/infrastructure behavioral Communication Systems resource/infrastructure New Technologies INNOVATION Comprehensive Technologies behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure

vey Sheet

Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent Most, but not all Evaluator Comments teachers use a x The school has technology planto x Plan is isolated that some specific projects, X No Formal Review X Long term budgeting is not considered; in X Some line items other budgets and X All attendance are used grade keeping X All staff have are computers that provide X Some staff/ departments are in X Some departments, specifically the Science X Some departments use electronic methods for X Technology reporting tools used by all X Science labs usestaff to electronic data with X Computer labs internet access use X Some teachers are technology have at X All teachersdaily in their least few classes have X Very one computer that assignments that X Computers are available to students to X Few teachers and support staffchairs X Department are have input about X Discussionon the technologyof the but no X Beginning use, year time to work in to set X Optional training up administrative X Limited formal training in integrating X Technology coordinators at each X The Technology coordinators in each X X Voice and video not in use, all working X No video or voice capability X No video or voice capability X Limited curriculum integration. X High speed internet is availablemain way the X Email is on every staff communicates X All staff have school email addresses. Most X Example: school fusion classroom X For same reason as X X X above, because some Projectors for computers available in Available technology does not include voice.

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