History 1

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Andrew Garcia 9/13/12 Period: 6

Western Political Thought

There are so many beliefs that influence the western political thought? That help make are great nation that we got now. The western political thought is all the ideas of freedom and rights to people that was toke from different time in the world history. The western political thought was mostly influence by Greece, Rome, and England. Greece was the first one that started the western political thought. Greece was also the first one to imply Direct Democracy to there government. That means ruled by the people / or citizens that was the men at the time. To be a citizen you have to be a men and the age 18 & up. As a citizen you were granted the right to vote, equal right in EDU., and Due process of law that mean that you have the same right on till proven & guilty. The Roman Empire was a republican Government that use representation form Democracy Where the citizens can vote for the leaders that they want. They had a separation of power like the three blanch of Government that is Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch. Also, balanced power and check & balanced. Just like we do now in the U.S.A. As well, Rome had a law of nation, a set of laws that imply to all people England is a republican government. They had a royal court a trial by jury. As well, they had a common law that applies to everyone equally like the law of nations in Roman Empire. They made the Magna Carta (1215) that limited the power of a ruler and need the consent of the governed / or citizens. Also, they the English Bill of Rights (1689) that granted all rights to all people. Therefor Greece, Roman Empire, and England was the major causes of the western political thought. Greece for the Direct Democracy. Rome for the representation form Democracy. Last, England for the Magna Carta. On top of that it help make our county that we have now. Also, help how we live in this world.

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