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Experiment (4)

Extrusion Operations
Dr. Mohammad Al-tahat Department of Industrial Engineering. University of Jordan. Lab. Of Manufacturing Processes. Course No: 906412, 0906412

1. Objective: The main objective of this experiment is to study the process of extrusion of metals and to examine the deferent factors influence the process. 2. Background: For more information about the subject of the experiments, it is recommended for the student to review section 6.3 of chapter six of the text. 3. Theory A material (may be round billet or of other various shapes) is placed in a chamber and forced through a die opening by a ram. The die also, may be round or of various other shapes see figure 1.

Figure 1: The Process of Extrusion.

The process can be carried out hot or cold. It is a batch process. Because each billet is extruded individually. Various shaped parts could be extruded as shown in the figure bellow. Figure 2 illustrates extrusions and examples of products made by sectioning off extrusions.

Figure 2: Examples of products made by Extrusion.

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Friction, Thermal Gradients, and Metal Flow In Extrusion. For investigating the flow pattern is to halve the round billet lengthwise and mark one face with a grid pattern. The two halves are then placed together in the container (they may also be fastened together or brazed to keep the two halves intact) and extruded. They are then taken apart and inspected. Figure 3 shows three typical results in direct extrusion with square dies. The conditions under which these different flow patterns are obtained are as follows.

Figure 3: Types of metal flow in direct Extrusion.

a. The most homogeneous flow pattern is obtained when there is no friction at the billet container-die interfaces (Fig. 3 a). This type of flow occurs when the lubricant is very effective or with indirect extrusion. b. When friction along all interfaces is high, a dead-metal zone develops (Fig. 3 b). Note the high-shear area as the material flows into the die exit, somewhat like a funnel. This configuration may indicate that the billet surfaces (with their oxide layer and lubricant) could enter this high-shear zone and be extruded, causing defects in the extruded product. c. The high-shear zone extends farther back (Fig. 3 c). This extension can result from high container-wall friction, which retards the flow of the billet, or materials in which the flow stress drops rapidly with increasing temperature. In hot working, the material near the container walls cools rapidly and hence increases in strength. Thus the material in the central regions flows toward the die more easily than that at the outer regions. As a result, a large dead-metal zone forms and the flow is inhomogeneous. This flow pattern leads to a defect known as a pipe or extrusion defect. Thus the two factors that greatly influence metal flow in extrusion are the frictional conditions at billet-container-die interfaces and thermal gradients in the billet.

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1. Miscellaneous Extrusion Operations.

2.1 Direct (Forward) Extrusion In direct extrusion (forward extrusion) the billet slides relative to the container wall; the wall friction increases the ram force considerably. That is similar to forcing the paste through the opening of a toothpaste tube as seen in figure 64 a.

Figure 4: (a) Direct extrusion, (b) indirect extrusion.

2.2 Indirect (Reverse) Extrusion In indirect extrusion (reverse, inverted, or backward extrusion), the die moves toward the billet figure (4 b); thus, except at the die, there is no relative motion at the billet-container interface. 2.3 Impact Extrusion Is a form of indirect extrusion and is particularly suitable for hollow shapes. The process often - included in the category of cold extrusion. As seen in the figure 5 a, the punch descends at a high speed and strikes the blank, extruding it upward. The process produces tubular sections having wall thickness that are small in relation to their diameters. Example of impact extrusion is the production of collapsible tubes, such as for toothpaste as seen in 5 b.

Figure 5: Impact Extrusion Process, a) extruding a blank upward. b) Extrusion of collapsible tubes

2.4 Hydrostatic Extrusion In hydrostatic extrusion figure 6, the chamber is filled with a fluid that transmits the pressure to the billet, which is then extruded through the die. There is no friction along the container walls. The high pressure (1400 Mpa) in the chamber
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transmits some of the fluid to the die surfaces, thus significantly reducing friction and forces.

Figure 6: Hydrostatic extrusion.

3 Mechanics of Extrusion The following different situations will be considered for the calculations of the ram force in direct extrusion. 3.1 Ideal Deformation The extrusion ratio R and The absolute value of the true strain defined as in (1), (2) respectively
R= Ao Af

= ln R

1 = ln

Ao L = ln f L o Af


A p = u = Y ln o A f

= Y ln R = Y f ln R


For strain-hardening materials, Y should be replaced by the average flow stress.

A p = u = Y f ln o A f


3.2 Ideal Deformation and friction Based on the slab method of analysis, when friction at the die-billet interface is included (but not the container wall friction) and for small die angles, the pressure p is
tan cot R p = Y 1 + 1


Based on the assumption that the frictional stresses is equal to the shear yield stress k, and that because of the dead zone formed, the material flows along a 45o die angle, an estimate of p can be given as:

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2L p = Y 1.7 ln R + Do


Where L is the length of the billet remaining in the container. For strainhardening materials, Yin these expressions should be replaced by the average flow stress as:
2L p = Y f 1.7 ln R + Do


3.3 Optimum Die Angle The die angle has an important effect on forces in extrusion. Its relationship to work is as follows. 1. The ideal work of deformation is independent of the die angle (Fig. 7), because it is a function only of the extrusion ratio. 2. The frictional work increases with decreasing die angle because the length of contact at the billet-die interface increases, thus requiring more work. 3. The redundant work caused by inhomogeneous deformation increases with die angle. Because the total ram force is the sum of these three components, there is an angle where this force is a minimum (Fig. 7). Unless the behavior of each component as a function of the die angle is known, determination of this optimum angle is difficult.
FIGURE 7 Schematic illustration of extrusion force as a function of die angle: (a) Total force; (b) Ideal force; (c) Force required for redundant Deformation; and (d) Force required overcoming Friction. Note that there is an optimum die angle where the total extrusion force is a minimum.

3.4 Forces in Hot Extrusion. Because of the strain-rate sensitivity of metals at elevated temperatures, forces in hot extrusion are difficult to calculate. The average true strain rate is

6Vo Do2 tan ln R 3 Do D 3 f


Where Vo is the ram velocity. Note from this equation that for high extrusion ratios (Do >> Dr) and for a = 45, as may be the case with a square die (thus developing a dead zone) and poor lubrication, the strain rate reduces to
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6Vo ln R Do


The effect of ram speed and temperature on extrusion pressure is shown in Fig. 8. As expected, pressure increases rapidly with ram speed, especially at elevated temperatures. As extrusion speed increases, the rate of work done per unit time also increases.
FIGURE8 Schematic illustration of the effect of temperature and ram speed on extrusion pressure.

The subsequent rise in temperature can cause early melting of the workpiece material and cause defects. Circumferential surface cracks caused by hot shortness may also develop; in extrusion this is known as speed cracking. Reducing the extrusion speed can eliminate these problems. A convenient parameter that is used to estimate forces in extrusion is an experimentally determined extrusion constant Ke, which includes various factors and can be determined from
p = K e ln R (9)

Figure 9 gives some typical values of Ke for various materials.

FIGURE 9 Extrusion constant Ke for various materials as a function of temperature. Note the ranges of temperature for various materials. (a) 1100 aluminum; (b) Copper; (c) 70-30 brass; (d) Beryllium; (e) Cold-rolled steel; (f) Stainless steel; (g) Molybdenum; and (h) Chromium.

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Example 5.1: Force in hot extrusion A copper billet 5 in. in diameter and 10 in. long is extruded at 1500F at a speed of 10 in./s. Using square dies and assuming poor lubrication, estimate the force required in this operation if the final diameter is 2 in. Solution: we have F = p Ao

Ao =



= 19.6 in 2 20in 2

Square dies and poor lubrication =

6Vo ln R Do

(5)2 Do2 Ao = ln 4 2 = ln 4 2 = 6.25 R = ln A (2) D f f 4 4 6V 6(10) = o ln R = ln (6.25) = 22 / sec ond (5) Do The effects of strain rate on the strength of materials is generally expressed as m = C , C is the strength coefficient m, is the strain - rate sensitivity exponent for this material C = 19000 psi, m = 0.06 Y = = 19000(22 ) = 22870 psi Recall equation 5.10 2L 2(10 ) = (22870 )1.7 ln (6.25) + p = Y 1.7 ln R + = 162630 psi Do 5

F = p Ao = (162630)(20 ) = 3.2 106 Ib

4 Defects In Extrusion 4.1 Surface Cracking. Fir-tree cracking or speed cracking. If the extrusion temperature, friction, or extrusion speed is too high, surface temperatures rise significantly and can lead to surface cracking and tearing. Is usually the result of hot shortness, this situation can be avoided by using lower temperatures and speeds. Stick- slip or bamboo defect 4.2 Extrusion Defects. Extrusion defect, pipe, tailpipe, or fishtailing. Drawing surface oxides and impurities toward the center of the billet, much likes a funnel. This defect can be reduced by a. Modifying the flow pattern to a less inhomogeneous one, such as by controlling friction and minimizing temperature gradients. b. Another method is to machine the surface of the billet prior to extrusion to eliminate scale and impurities.
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c. The extrusion defect can also be avoided by using a dummy block that is smaller in diameter than the container, thus leaving a thin shell along the container wall as extrusion progresses. 4.3 Internal Cracking. Centerburst, center cracking, arrowhead fracture, or chevron cracking. The center of an extruded product can develop cracks as shown in Fig. 10. These cracks are attributed to a state of hydrostatic tensile stress (also called secondary tensile stresses) at the centerline of the deformation zone in the die. This situation is similar to the necked region in a uniaxial tensile-test specimen. The major variables affecting hydrostatic tension are the die angle, extrusion ratio, and the die contact length.

Figure 10: Chervon cracking in round steel bar

4. Materials: Commercial pure lead (98% lead) 5. Equipments: Press, Vernier caliper and measuring instruments, Extrusion die, container and punch. And Set of circular lead billets. 6. Procedures: 1. Set the extrusion die, container and punch in the press. 2. Set the press for operation. 3. Measure the diameter and length of the circular lead billet. 4. Measure the diameter of the die. 5. Half the billet lengthwise and mark one face with a grid pattern then, place two halves together again. 6. Perform the extrusion operation by putting the billet, the pressure pad and the punch successively inside the container, and then apply the pressure to extrude the billet to the required shape.

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7. Repeat the extrusion sequence for different specimens for friction and frictionless cases at the inner surface of the container and the outer surface of the billet. 7. Requirements: 1. Describe the extrusion process illustrating with sketch. 2. Make line diagram showing the method of operation of the press. 3. Sketch the compete set of the extrusion die, container and punch. 4. Find the extrusion ratio (Ao/ Af). Where Ao=Original billet area before extrusion. Af=final area of extruded section. 5. Find the extrusion reduction in area (Ao - Af)/ Ao 6. Find the flow pattern with the extrusion billet for friction and frictionless conditions. 8. Questions. 1) Discuss Extrusion methods and Extrusion defects?

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