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Global data provision through web-based interfaces and GIS on the Shell Intranet

Mark Leonard, V.P. Venture Generation, Shell ABSTRACT The availability of global E&P data can be a significant differentiator in the race to be the top Explorer. With Shells Exploration business becoming truly global, easy and immediate access to E&P data for any part of the world has become critical to the business. The web and web-based technology have radically altered how we do our business. Shell prefers for all external data vendors to provide their data through web-based interfaces, preferably hosted directly on their own servers. This provides easy to use interfaces with always up-to-date data, and requires less effort by Shell in maintaining a plethora of datasets and systems from different vendors. Next we must assure that the appropriate users are aware of data availability and know which of the data sources to use it is not enough to simply say its on the web. Shell began with some web pages listing all data sources, with details on access and with an assessment of their value and use. We have progressed to implementing portal technology giving the ability to integrate different websites into a one stop shop for internal and external data. In parallel to this we have developed the new generation GIS on the web, called e-Map. A map-based interface is a lot more attractive and natural way for an explorer to look at data, with 80% of the data being location related. Through the e-Map layer/legend all available data sources for E&P data are immediately visible and data from different sources can be viewed together and compared. An export function is also available, enabling subsurface projects to have their project database loaded with basic data within a matter of minutes, instead of days as required in the past.

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